Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Dewey: Education, Visual Art and Experience

					View Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Dewey: Education, Visual Art and Experience

Revista Apotheke was addressed in this dossier articulations between Education, Visual Arts and Experience, considering the contributions of the American philosopher John Dewey (1859-1952) to the field of Arts, Education and Art Education, including the teaching of visual arts, as well as, performing arts and music. The deweyan theory presented and continues to present a new philosophical project to think about the social conditions and values ​​that involve an idea of ​​knowledge close to the daily experiments of life, where mind and body, life, art and education are not compartments, but are part of of a unity that makes up life. Dewey calls us to think about the union of things, theory/practice, art/life, education/life. Following this assumption, the path of teaching and learning, aimed at critical reflection, the challenge would be to break with the frontier that distinguishes life from other things, that is, to recompose this association would boost the creative power of learning-from-experience.

In this volume Revista Apotheke invites everyone to “think” with Dewey, learn to learn from his philosophy of experience or experientiality, in which things are not separate from life. The idea of ​​the Dossier is to seek an update of the Deweyan concepts, breaking with the borders and dichotomies, it is an invitation to re-appropriate the philosopher's concepts, without finding definitive answers, but to establish conditions and possibilities for research, where change and creativity are alive.

Published: 2021-10-31

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