Vol. 14 No. 3 (2015)

Published: 04-12-2015

Editorial Note

  • Pesticide resistance in intensive agricultural fields: a global issue

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711432015201
    Leonardo Bianco de Carvalho, Liese de Vargas Pereira, Micheli Fochesato Michelon

Research Article - Science of Plants and Derived Products

  • Influence of temperature and substrate on germination and vigor of Jacaranda michantra Cham.

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711432015203
    Marciéli Pitorini Bovolini, Caciara Gonzatto Maciel, Daniele Lemos Brum, Marlove Fátima Brião Muniz
  • Rooting of cuttings of Tibouchina moricandiana. var. vinacea in function of the form of application and concentrations of IBA

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711432015210
    Mariane de Oliveira Pereira, Jeniffer Grabias, Katia Christina Zuffelatto-Ribas, Marcio Carlos Navroski
  • Technological properties of cement-wood panels produced with eucalypt particles

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711432015217
    Setsuo Iwakiri, Rosilani Trianoski, Alexsandro Bayestorff Cunha, José Guilherme Prata, Massayuki Hara, Narciso Fernando Bila, Reinaldo Calçada Guina Luis, Roberto Daniel Araújo
  • Effect of grammage on the bonding quality of glue side of Tectona grandis wood

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711432015224
    Ana Paula Namikata Fonte, Rosilani Trianoski
  • Citric biomass and fungicides associated to leaf removal in Yellow Sigatoka disease control for banana “Prata”

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711432015234
    Luiz Augusto Martins Peruch, André Martins Medeiros, Celso Lopes de Albuquerque Junior
  • Effect of straws and irrigation methods in suppression of weeds

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711432015240
    Naiara Guerra, Antonio Mendes de Oliveira Neto, Rodrigo Flora, Angélica Guerra, Leandro Meert, Eduardo Leonel Bottega
  • Evaluation to tomato bacterial spot in different spray regimes

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711432015247
    Leandro Luiz Marcuzzo, José Mauricio Cunha Fernandes, Walter Ferreira Becker

Research Article - Science of Animals and Derived Products

  • Nutritional value of ryegrass cultivars intercropped or not with oats under two waste

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711432015254
    Renato Marchesan, Wagner Paris, Roniclei Tonion, Clederson Martinello, Marcos Luis Molinete, Fabiana Luiza Matielo Paula, Rose Rocha

Scientific Note

  • Different aqueous extracts of plants in soil treatment for Meloidogyne javanica control

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711432015264
    Mariana Martins Marcondes, Rosangela Dallemole-Giaretta, Marielle Martins Marcondes, Silvana Girotto Martins Ferreira, Cacilda Márcia Duarte Rios Faria


  • Humane slaughter of swine

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711432015267
    Gisele Dela Ricci, Osmar Antonio Dalla Costa