

Before publishing, the manuscripts will be evaluated by the software Ithenhicate for identifying plagiarism. Therefore, authors are encourage to assure the otiginality of the manuscripts and when using setences from other authots, these shall be correctly referenced and properly cited. Plagiarism may occur in different ways and is an antiethic editorial behavior and is, therefore, inadmissible.

The assumptions of plagiarism are: a) presenting sentences or fragments by others as being your own; b) adopt ideas from other authors without given the proper recognition; c) do not use quotation marks in a literal citation; d) paraphrasing a source without mentioning it; e) abusive paraphrase, even if the source is mentioned. The general assumptions of scientific fraud are the following: a) fabrication, falsification or omission of data and plagiarism; b) duplicate publication; and c) authorship conflicts.

As mentioned earlier, all accepted papers are submitted to a plagiarism detection software. Therefore, the authors will assume the consequences of any nature resulting from the breach of the obligations indicated in these editorial rules.

In cases where plagiarism is incurred, the Editorial Coordination will adopt the following procedures: evidence of detected plagiarism will be sent to the author(s), requesting an explanation about it. If the response is not satisfactory, the article will not be published and, if applicable, the media in which the original plagiarized article was published will be informed.