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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. The manuscript contains an original and unpublished article and is not in a reviewing process by any journal.
  • 2. Two separate files, written in accordance to all journal’s requirements, are being attached to the tracking system: (i) Cover Letter and (ii) Full Manuscript.
  • 3. All authors' information (Full name, E-mail, Affiliation, ORCID, and Country) is being informed during the submission process and is entered in accordance with the journal's guidelines.
  • 4. the Corresponding author declares, if appropriated, co-authors agree with copyright and privacy statements and also are aware and in agreement with the manuscript submission. They also declare that all ethical statements and funding sources, when applicable, were properly addressed in the cover letter.

Author Guidelines



Manuscripts in English accompanied by the English revision certificate will have priority for publication. A simple declaration of an author whose native language is English may substitute the certificate.

Review Articles must be submitted exclusively in English.

Submissions in disagreement with the guidelines will be archived.



1. Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias publishes Research Article (full paper), Research Note (short communication), and Review Article (review), included into four major sections: Science of Plants and Derived Products, Science of Animals and Derived Products, Science of Soil and Environment, and Multisections and Related Areas).

1.1. The section Science of Plants and Derived Products includes the publication of scientific articles derived from research or literature review on plants and derived products as well as on abiotic and biotic factors influencing directly on their development and production. Journal priority areas are Agronomy and Forestry.

1.2. The section Science of Animals and Derived Products includes the publication of scientific articles derived from research or literature review on animals and derived products as well as on abiotic and biotic factors influencing directly on their development and production. Journal priority areas are Veterinary and Animal Production.

1.3. The section Science of Soil and Environment includes the publication of scientific articles derived from research or literature review on soils, soil processes and properties, soil conservation, and environmental resources. Journal priority areas are Agricultural and Forestry Soils and Natural Resources.

1.4. The section Multisections and Related Areas include the publication of scientific articles derived from research or literature review (i) in that studies are performed involving subjects from different sections of the journal or (ii) whose subjective is not directly related to plants and animals (or plants and animals are not the target organisms involved in the research or review), however on abiotic and biotic factors relating with these organisms (for example, studies on the biology of insects, fungi, and nematodes, on machinery regulation, on the technology of spraying pesticides, on evaluation of methods and methodologies and so on). Journal priority areas are Agronomy, Veterinary, Forestry, Animal Production, and Environmental Engineering.

2. Manuscripts may be written in Portuguese or English. Both title and abstract should be supplied in two languages (English and Portuguese) as well as the title of figures and tables (see number 13).

3. Submissions must be online, using MS-Word (.doc, preferably), paper A4, page margins 2.5 cm, font Times New Roman 12, and the text must be 1.5 spaced and justified. Pages and lines must be numbered sequentially.

4. Cover Letter is mandatory for all manuscripts and is of fundamental importance for manuscript initial evaluation. Cover Letter must be supplied in a separate file, containing: (i) Type of Article and Journal Section (according to number 1); (ii) Field of Knowledge (inform the field of knowledge that the article is inserted - subareas can be included); (iii) Title of the Manuscript (in two languages, see number 2, in bold, and the first letter uppercased); (iv) Authors (names, affiliations and the corresponding author's e-mail); (v) Description of the Importance for Manuscript Publication (a brief summary on the state of the art before the research and the advances in knowledge with the research); and (vi) Potential Reviewers/Referees (name, institution and e-mail of two potential reviewers/referees of the manuscript).

NOTE: Cover Letter should be attached to the system as a PDF file named "cover-letter".

5. Research Articles and Review Articles have no page limits (journal recommends up to 25 pages). Research Notes must contain up to 10 pages. Graphical elements (tables and figures) are counted in the page limits.

NOTE: Full Manuscript should be attached to the system as a TEXT file named "manuscript".

6. Overall:

6.1. The journal considers a RESEARCH NOTE the original research article that has preliminary results that allow a conclusion of high immediate relevance, justifying its publication, but which needs to be validated.

6.2. Single cause-effect experiments are not expected to be submitted as a RESEARCH ARTICLE.

6.3. A simple literature review with no novel conclusion is not expected to be submitted as a REVIEW ARTICLE.

6.4. Two files must be attached to the submission system: (i) Cover Letter and (ii) Full Manuscript.

6.5. Submissions NOT CONFORMING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS will be archived.


7. Research Articles must be divided into the following manuscript sections: Title, concise and objective (in two languages, see number 2); Abstract, with up to 300 words (in two languages, see number 2); Keywords, up to 6 (in two languages, see number 2); Introduction; Material and Methods; Results; Discussion (it can be in a single section Results and Discussion); Conclusion; Acknowledgements (optional element); and References (see number 16). The title of manuscript sections must be written in uppercase letters and in bold. For non-native Portuguese writers, the journal may supply the foreign versions.

7.1. For manuscripts in Portuguese, authors must use the following manuscript section titles: Título, Resumo, Palavras-chave, Introdução, Material e Métodos, Resultados, Discussão, Conclusão, Agradecimentos e Referências.

8. Research Notes must be divided into the following manuscript sections: Title, concise and objective (in two languages, see number 2); Abstract, with up to 200 words (in two languages, see number 2); Keywords, up to 6 (in two languages, see number 2); Main Body of the Text (with no divisions, however the text must be in the sequence: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion – graphical elements may be used); Acknowledgements (optional element); and References (see number 16). The title of  manuscript sections must be written in uppercase letters and in bold. For non-native Portuguese writers, the journal may supply the foreign versions.

8.1. For manuscripts in Portuguese, authors must use the following manuscript section titles: Título, Resumo, Palavras-chave, Agradecimentos e Referências.

9. Review Articles must be divided into the following manuscript sections: Title, concise and objective (in two languages, see number 2); Abstract, with up to 300 words (in two languages, see number 2); Keywords, up to 6 (in two languages, see number 2); Introduction; Development; Conclusion; Acknowledgements (optional element); and References (see number 16). The title of manuscript sections must be written in uppercase letters and in bold. For non-native Portuguese writers, the journal may supply the foreign versions.

9.1. Three types of review articles are accepted: (i) non-systematic review, (ii) systematic review and (iii) meta-analysis. Non-systematic Review is one in which the author chooses articles of interest, usually of greater impact, on a certain subject of his knowledge, discusses one or more specific points (conflicting or with little knowledge) and makes his conclusions. Systematic Review is the one in which the author selects articles of a certain subject of global interest, following specific criteria for reviewing the bibliography (which should be described in the article), discusses one or more specific points (conflicting or with little knowledge) and makes its conclusions. Meta-Analysis is an article in which the author selects articles of a controversial subject or with conflicting results, of global interest, following specific bibliographic review criteria (which should be described in the article), statistically reanalyses the data, discusses the published results and the results of its analysis and draws its conclusions.

9.2. The review article must be written in English and its publication, after acceptance, is subject to the technical review of English. The author must particularly provide the linguistic revision and present the attestation of revision of the article to be published.

9.3. The review article, accepted and revised, will be published immediately in the next issue of the journal, regardless of the queue of articles to be published.


10. Graphical elements (graphics, photographs, and drawings are referred as Figures, and Tables) must be supplied just after being cited in the text and numbered sequentially (e.g. Figure 1. Title...; or Table 1. Title...). Figures must be inserted in the body of the text from JPG archives (300 dpi or higher).

11. Colored figures are acceptable.

12. Tables and figures must be in portrait orientation, not exceeding the page limits.

13. Title of figures and tables of manuscripts in Portuguese must also be supplied in English. Manuscripts in English do not need the Portuguese version of the title of figures and tables.


14. Name of authors must not be supplied in the manuscript, but just in the on-line submission process.

15. Citations in the Text

a) (MOULTON 1978), (DUBEY & PORTERFIELD 1990), or (MARSH et al. 1998) for three or more authors. We prefer this form.

b) According to TENDER (2000), SANTOS & BARROS (1999), or MARSH et al. (1998) for three or more authors. This form should be used just in special situations, opting generally for the type above.

16. References

a) CARVALHO LB, or CARVALHO LB & BIANCO MS, or CARVALHO LB et al. for three or more authors.

b) The full title of journals is required. Local and issue should not be cited (see below).

c) Reference models:

Scientific Articles

CARMO M et al. 2017. Portuguese cropland in the 1950s: The transition from organic to chemical fertilization. Scientific Reports 7: 8111.

CHEN Y et al. 2017. Changes in bacterial community of soil induced by long-term straw returning. Scientia Agricola 74: 349-356.

Books and chapters (should be avoided)

DENTON GW. 1990. Iodophors: disinfection, sterilization and preservation. 4.ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.

CONCANNON PW & DIGREGORIO GB. 1986. Canine vaginal citology. In: BURKE TJ. (Ed.). Small animal reproduction and infertility: a clinical approach to diagnosis and treatment. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. pp.96-111.

Annals of events (should be avoided)

GROLLI PR et al. 1993. Propagação “in vitro” de Limonium latifolium Kuntze 15/O. Kuntze. In: 1 Encontro Brasileiro de Biotecnologia Vegetal. Resumos... Brasília: EMBRAPA. pp.79.

Thesis, Dissertations (should be avoided)

RADUNZ NETO J. 1981. Desenvolvimento de técnicas de reprodução e manejo de larvas e alevinos de jundiá (Ramalia quelen). Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia). Santa Maria: UFSM. 77p.

Bulletins and other similar publications (should be avoided)

BECK AAH. 1983. Eficácia dos anti-helmínticos nos nematódeos dos ruminantes. Florianópolis: EMPASC. 10p. (Boletim Técnico 60).

Electronic documents (should be avoided)

RIBEIRO PSG. 1998. Adoção à brasileira: uma análise sócio-jurídica. São Paulo: Datavenia. Available at: Access on: Sept. 10, 1999.

GARDNER AL. 1986. Técnicas de pesquisa em pastagem e aplicabilidade de resultados em sistemas de produção. Rio de Janeiro: UFRRJ. (CD-Rom).

**For no included examples, please, contact the editor-in-chief.

17. Measure Units must be in accordance to the International System [percentage must be close to the number (10%), while other measures must be separated (10 cm, 30 oC, 2 m s-1, and so on)].

18. The name, e-mail, and institution/company of TWO POTENTIAL REVIEWERS (from different institution/company of the authors) must be informed during the submission process (in the field Comments for the Editor).


Submission Process


Submission should preferably be made by the corresponding author, who must access the author account in the login page at the SUBMISSIONS menu (My Queue).

In the user dashboard, the submitting author must click on the NEW SUBMISSION button and proceed with the 5-STEP SUBMISSION PROCESS, as described above.

In Step 1 (Start):

  • Select the SUBMISSION LANGUAGE (English or Portuguese)
  • Select the JOURNAL SECTION – in this case it is a type of article (Research Article, Research Note or Review Article)
  • Check all checkboxes on the SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS (if the submission is in accordance to them)
  • Check all checkboxes on COPYRIGHT AND PRIVACY STATEMENTS (if authors agree)
  • Click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE button. After that, a new window is opened for the second step

In Step 2 (Upload Submission), the submitting author must upload two separate files (Cover Letter and Full Manuscript):

  • Select the Cover Letter in the ARTICLE COMPONENT list
  • Click on the UPLOAD FILE button
  • Find the COVER LETTER file (PDF file, preferably) in your computer
  • Click on the CONTINUE button (in 1. Upload File)
  • Click on the CONTINUE button again (in 2. Review Details)
  • Click on the ADD ANOTHER FILE button (in 3. Confirm)
  • Select the Full Manuscript in the ARTICLE COMPONENT list
  • Click on the UPLOAD FILE button
  • Find the FULL MANUSCRIPT file (DOC file, preferably) in your computer
  • Click on the CONTINUE button (in 1. Upload File)
  • Click on the CONTINUE button again (in 2. Review Details)
  • In sequence, other files may be uploaded as supplementary materials, if so (not required)
  • Click on the COMPLETE button (in 3. Confirm)
  • Click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE button

In Step 3 (Enter Metadata):

  • Enter the ARTICLE TITLE in two languages (English and Portuguese)
  • Enter the ABSTRACT in two languages (English and Portuguese)
  • Add co-authors, if so, by clicking on the ADD CONTRIBUTOR button. For each author, a new window is opened, and the submitting author must (i) enter Full name, E-mail, Country and Affiliation (in English and original language, if so), (ii) indicate the contributor’s role (Author) and (iii) check the checkbox corresponded to Send e-mail to request ORCID authorization from contributor if ORCID is not automatically linked. Finally click on the SAVE button
  • Enter SUBJECTS in two languages (English and Portuguese). The central subject is the main field of knowledge in that the manuscript is inserted (subfields may be included)
  • Enter KEYWORDS in two languages (English and Portuguese). For that, type each keyword separately and press Enter on the keyboard to include each one in the keywords' list
  • Enter SUPPORTING AGENCIES (if appropriated) in two languages (English and Portuguese or original native language - if so)
  • Click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE button

In Step 4 (Confirmation)

  • Click on FINALIZE SUBMISSION. After that, a new window will appear to finish the fourth step
  • Click on OK

No Passo 5 (Próximos Passos), o autor responsável pela submissão recebe a confirmação que sua submissão está completa

All the requirements and procedures for the submission are fully described in the Menu Submissions (just check whether you choose the English language menu).


In step 2 (transferring the manuscript), the corresponding author is required to attach two separate files (i.e. the rebuttal letter and the revised manuscript):

A rebuttal letter, also known as an answer letter is the reply from the authors to all comments and concerns of the reviewers and associate editor. Authors shall highlight and mention where the corrections were made. In case a given comment or concern is not adopted by the authors, they need to provide a proper answer and justification.
The revised manuscript, in this case, is the revised manuscript containing all changes made in the original version. Authors may combine both original and revised versions in order to facilitate the review process.

For that procedure, the corresponding author shall follow the following steps during step 2:

  • Select the REBUTTAL LETTER (Answer Letter) in the list of MANUSCRIPT COMPONENTS
  • Click on SEND FILE
  • Select the REBUTTAL LETTER (Answer Letter) (PDF is recommended) on your computer
  • Click on CONTINUE (in 1. Upload the File)
  • Click on CONTINUE again (in 2. check Metadata)
  • Click SEND A NEW FILE (in 3. Finalizing)
  • Select the correspondent file regarded to your MANUSCRIPT in the list - IF YOU ARE UPLOADING A REVISED VERSION OF THE MANUSCRIPT PLEASE CHOOSE WHICH ONE YOU WANT TO OVERWRITE. After that, the Manuscript is automatically updated in the list containing the components of the submission
  • Click on the SENDING FILE
  • Select COMPLETE MANUSCRITO COMPLETO (MS-Word file is recommended) on your computer
  • Click on CONTINUE (in 1. Upload File)
  • Click on CONTINUE again (in 2. Metadata)
  • Click on CONCLUDE (in 3. Finalizing)
  • Click then on SAVE and CONTINUE

Changes in the metadata are possible only when requested from the Editors.

Make a new submission or view your pending submissions.

Privacy Statement

Names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services of this publication. We do not distribute such information for third parties or other purposes.