Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Art as an experience in the [painting] studio

					View Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Art as an experience in the [painting] studio

Apotheke periodic received scientific articles on the theme “Art as an experience in the [painting] studio”. This volume was dedicated to studies and reflections on the artistic practice and the pedagogical practice that circulate in the space of creation, as well as, this space and time imply the vibrant boundaries between Art&Education&Life. The studio is seen as a space, time and place, where creation processes are denser and constructed, in view of the use of artistic methodologies, to think about classroom spaces that use the artistic as a methodology to address content that transits between discursive areas , political and educational. At the same time, one understands the space, time and place of pedagogical practice as an artistic practice, permeated with critical reflection, a condition for establishing visual thinking in the face of Education and its plasticity.

Published: 2023-05-01