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  • Emerson de Paula Silva



Theater, Prison, Teaching-Learning


This text is a mixture of experience reports and academic reflections on the process of implantation of the Theater in the State School São José in Macapá (AP) located inside the Institute of Penitentiary Administration (IAPEN) from an extension rese- arch action of the Course of Theater of the Federal University of Amapá (UNIFAP). Between invisibilities and approximations, we present a process of reassessment of the pedagogical practice in Theater, promoting an epistemological turn in the methodo- logies of Theater-Education from the voices of all interlocutors participating in the project in a personal/conceptual dialogue about the formative processes present in Theater actions in Communities.


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Author Biography

Emerson de Paula Silva

Adjunct Professor of the Theater Course of the Federal University of Amapá - UNIFAP. Post Doctoral internship in progress in the Scene Arts Program of UNICAMP Cantor. Actor. Director. Cultural Producer. Coordinator of the Specialization in Contemporary Theatrical Studies - EETC - UNIFAP (2019/2022). - Interinstitutional Coordinator of the Cultural Accessibility Course - Interuniversity Network of Cultural Accessibility - North Region Pole -UNIFAP/UFRJ/UNB/UFRN/UFRGS. Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program in Letters - PPGLET/UNIFAP. Collaborating Professor of the Graduate Program in Performing Arts of the Theater School of the Federal University of Bahia - PPGAC/UFBA. Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program in Performing Arts - PPGCEN/UnB.


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SILVA, Emerson de Paula; DUARTE, Álvaro R. M. Liberdade e Criatividade a partir do Teatro na Prisão: Relato de experiência de uma prática teatral com mulheres em situação de cárcere na zona da mata mineira. Urdimento, Florianópolis, v. 3, n. 39, nov./dez. 2020.

SILVA, Emerson de Paula; FERREIRA, Frederico de Carvalho; MARQUES, Mayara Caroline da Costa. Trajetória da Pele: Teatro e Educação Penitenciária em Macapá. In: VASQUEZ, E.L; ABREU, A.A; FEIO, L.S.R. (Org.). Educação Penitenciária Amapaense: Pesquisa, demanda recorrente e formulação de política educa- cional. Uberlândia: Navegando Publicações, 2020. (Coleção Educar na Prisão e Escola, Vol 1).

SILVA, Emerson de Paula. Jogos Teatrais e Educação Penitenciária em Macapá. In: Revista Moringa Artes do Espetáculo, Dossiê A diáspora dos jogos teatrais no Brasil. João Pessoa, v. 11, n. 2, jul-dez/2020, p. 179 – 185.




How to Cite

DE PAULA SILVA, Emerson. PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE IN THEATER IN PRI- SON: REPORT OF AN EPISTEMOLOGICAL TUR- NOVER. Revista NUPEART, Florianópolis, v. 27, n. 1, p. 168, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/10.5965/235809252612022e2359. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.