Vol. 1 No. 24 (2021): Training experiences in cyberspace and creative processes in social isolation

					View Vol. 1 No. 24 (2021): Training experiences in cyberspace and creative processes in social isolation

In this edition, we aim to reflect about the teaching-learning processes and artistic experiences carried out in 2020, due to the conditions of social isolation imposed by the sanitary crisis caused by the spread of Covid-19.

Meetings and shows held virtually, short courses online, remote classes: The use of virtual platforms and differentiated methodologies caused profound reflections on trainers/teachers, students and animation theater artists. What advantages or disadvantages they offered/offer? What difficulties they presented/present? What are the positive and negative aspects that training in cyberspace demonstrated/demonstrates? How and to what extent can the use of new technologies impact the teaching-learning in puppetry? What are the challenges imposed?

In what and how can cyberspace contribute to the development of the art of puppetry? What are the losses? Is there still prejudice? In what aspects do these practices differ from traditional training? What can they keep from tradition and how? What experiments have been carried out in the last year and what results have they produced? Was there any significant innovation or remodeling in the teaching-learning processes or just resistance against the effects of social isolation? What are the perspectives that the experiments/creatives processes carried out in social isolation present/ can present for the puppetry? How can the experiences lived influence the training and creative processes/productions in the future? What will be incorporated into the processes from now on?

We hope that the provocations will instigate not only the issues raised here, but that they will open new questions and problems from different perspectives within the proposed theme. Authors can present historical or empirical research, theoretical essays, unpublished translations, reports of experiences, analysis of creative processes and interviews.

Published: 2021-08-17


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