Peer Review Policies

Articles submitted to the Revista de Ensino em Artes, Moda e Design undergo evaluation through a double-blind review system, ensuring the anonymity of both authors and reviewers. Two or three reviewers, selected by the Editor-in-Chief from a pool of registered evaluators, will conduct the evaluation. These reviewers must be professionals with recognized experience and academic credentials, preferably holding doctoral degrees, and actively engaged in national or international higher education and/or research institutions, with significant scientific contributions in the journal’s areas of interest.

Evaluation Process:

Preliminary Evaluation by the Chief Editor:The article is initially evaluated by the chief editor, who assesses its alignment with the journal’s scope and editorial guidelines. If necessary, the manuscript may be returned to the author with suggestions for revisions or rejected at this stage if it does not meet the publication's criteria.

Peer Review:The manuscript is then sent to two or three external reviewers who are experts in the article's subject area. If two favorable reviews are received, the article proceeds to the language review phase, followed by author revisions. If two unfavorable reviews are received, the manuscript is rejected, and the authors are notified. In the case of divergent opinions, a third reviewer will be consulted. The editor-in-chief sends the reviews to the authors, along with any recommended changes or corrections, which must be addressed before final approval. If the article is resubmitted, it will be re-evaluated by the reviewers to assess the quality of the revisions.

Similarity Evaluation and Verification: After the author revisions, the manuscript undergoes a plagiarism check using the iThenticate software to ensure the originality of the content. If the manuscript shows significant similarity to other published work, it may either be rejected or returned to the author for further revisions to address these issues.

Final Review and Linguistic Adjustments: If the manuscript is approved after the plagiarism check, it is returned to the author for a final review, which includes corrections to spelling, grammar, and contextual accuracy.

Final Authorization and Publication: After the layout is completed, the author reviews the final version of the manuscript to ensure its accuracy. Once approved, the author provides final authorization for publication.

In cases where an article is not accepted for publication, the editor-in-chief will inform the authors of the reasons for rejection and provide the reviewers' feedback.

The editor-in-chief reserves the right to accept or reject articles submitted for publication and is committed to notifying the authors of the final decision.

The published articles are the sole responsibility of the respective authors.