Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Other tones for the afro-diasporic debate in art and the color fortune

					View Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Other tones for the afro-diasporic debate in art and the color fortune

In this dossier, Apotheke Magazine will address the ethnic-racial debate with regard to the processes of art creation; formation of the artist person; of the construction and narration of art history in Brazil, perhaps, in the Americas and in Africa with the visual arts and, more specifically, painting as focal points. We intend to approach this expression from its historical landmarks, such as the European avant-garde that subvert the figurative representation as becoming of painting, or the Afro-American movement of Harlem Renaissance, which in an opposite dynamic bets on the figuration that represented reality as an instrument of registration, of strengthening and sedimentation of an African American art history. However, more than analyzing the productions, the criticisms, the writings already made, with the addition that we can approach them in the revisionist perspective, we aim that this dossier foresee what Afro-diasporic art can be today and in the near future. We intend that the discussions discussed contribute to the projection of the future and other understandings of the Afro-diasporic person of the group called Negro or Blak. Other Histories of Visual Arts; New criticisms for all times; Images of you and images of everyone for possible Imaginary ...

Other tones for the afro-diasporic debate in art and the color fortune of the afro-diasporic legacy in visual arts revisited and valued as a driver of the creation of new thoughts and other images. The thoughts and images that we want and understand about what we are and will be.

Published: 2021-04-01

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