Art-science-technology and systems of art in the age of digital culture: context Brazil


  • Débora Aita Gasparetto Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul image/svg+xml



art-science-tecnhology, digital art, digital culture, art system


This paper proposes to approach the theme of art-science-technology in the age of digital culture from their relationships with the current system of art. For it, we relied upon interviews made available in the publication Art-science-technology: the art system in perspective (2014), which points out ways for the author’s doctoral research. In this opportunity, we analyze the Brazilian context in terms of production-distribution-consumption-preservation, in order to verify the insertion or not of the production, also nominated as digital art in the contemporary art system. From this analysis, we propose a reflection about the systems of art in contemporaneity and the possibility of existence of a particular system for art-science-technology in dialogue with the contemporary art system, but especially with the culture of the early twenty-first century.


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Author Biography

Débora Aita Gasparetto, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Doutoranda em Artes Visuais pelo PPGAV/ UFRGS (2012), em História, Teoria e Crítica de Arte, na linha de pesquisa Relações sistêmicas da arte, com bolsa CAPES. Orientada pela Profª. Drª. Blanca Brites. Mestre em Artes Visuais pelo PPGART/UFSM (2010-2012), na linha Arte e Tecnologia, com ênfase em História, Teoria e Crítica da Arte, com Bolsa CAPES, orientanda da Profª Drª Nara Cristina Santos. Débora é integrante do LABART/CNPq (Laboratório de Pesquisa em Arte Contemporânea Tecnologia e Mídias Digitais) e Grupo de Pesquisa Arte e Tecnologia/CNPq. Bacharel em Publicidade e Propaganda pela UFSM, 2005.


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How to Cite

GASPARETTO, Débora Aita. Art-science-technology and systems of art in the age of digital culture: context Brazil. Palíndromo, Florianópolis, v. 6, n. 11, p. 79–97, 2014. DOI: 10.5965/2175234606112014079. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.