Relearn and Unlearn


  • Márcia Strazzacappa



Continuing education of teachers, Art education, Epistemologies of the South


The present text presents and analyzes the artistic and theore- tical bases that support the pedagogical action in the field of continuing education of art teachers and shares lived experien- ces in the compulsory subject "Theoretical Foundations of Art.

in Education: contemporary contexts" that I offered to the class of 2021 as a Visitor Teacher at the Federal University of Paraíba. The text also presents the book "Doing, thinking and teaching performing arts: Epistemologies of the Far East of Brazil", a work in which a triple allusion is made: The first, to the expression Epistemologies of the South (Sousa Santos), as a metaphori- cal place in which groups of individuals were placed to remain silent, erased, diminished, despised and/or subordinated; the second, an allusion to João Pessoa, the city in which the Federal University of Paraíba is located; and the third, to the questions about the pertinence of the collection itself, indicating how, at times, we - artists, clowns and researchers of popular culture - are the one who place ourselves "in the South", when we erase and/or diminish ourselves as a reflection of the education recei- ved, from which the title of the article derives: We have a lot to relearn and unlearn!


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Author Biography

Márcia Strazzacappa

Free Teacher (Unicamp); PhD in Arts: Theatrical and Choreographic Studies (University Paris 8); Master in Education (UNICAMP); Graduated in Pedagogy and Dance (UNICAMP). Retired professor of the Department of Education, Knowledge, Language and Art of the Faculty of Education of Unicamp. Currently, she is a collaborating professor of the Graduate Program in Education of the Faculty of Education, prof-arts of UFPB and is a collaborator of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Unicamp. Researcher at the Laboratory of Studies on Art, Body and Education / Laborarte, of which she was leader until 2020.


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How to Cite

STRAZZACAPPA HERNANDEZ, Márcia. Relearn and Unlearn. Revista NUPEART, Florianópolis, v. 27, n. 1, p. 168, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/10.5965/235809252612022e2176. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.