Fashion confronting unrelated sectors: the ideal model of manufacturing symbiosis between industrial systems




fashion system, industrial systems, new skills


This study aims to reflect on a possible symbiosis between the fashion system and unrelated companies focused on reducing textile waste. Recent developments in the fashion system, in terms of the organizational network, highlight the importance of collaboration, or vice versa of competition enhancement mechanisms. The highly innovative and creative skills and tasks concentrate much of the value in the creation phase, characteristic of emerging sectors such as creative ones. The methodology will be carried out through a review of the reference literature, with a critical, constructive, and real analysis on strategies for the construction of this symbiosis. It is expected to contribute to a reflection on the development of collaboration and cooperation skills in an interdisciplinary, or even transdisciplinary approach, for the training and preparation of fashion design professionals, requiring a greater commitment from Academia in the creation of interactions and interrelationships with still very different disciplinary sectors.


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Author Biographies

Maria Antonietta Sbordone, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"

Associate Professor at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, she deals with Design and Design for Fashion and Textiles. Since the 1990s she has been carrying out critical-theoretical, research and teaching activities. From 2001 to 2006 she held positions as Designated Member of the "European and Foreign Commission" of the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservationists and for the Architects Council of Europe/Conseil Européen des Architects (ACE-CAE) and at the Council of Europe for the "Landscape Convention", (Conseil d'Europe, Strasbourg). The dissemination of results thanks to an intense activity of workshops, talks and thematic focus teams has favored collaboration with research and training institutions supranational, among which there are: Center Scientifique et Technique de la Construction (CSTC); Architects Council of Europe / Conseil Européen des Architects (ACE-CAE); ECCREDI - European Construction Research Network (E-CORE); Conseil de l’Europe - Direction de la Culture et du Patrimoine Culturel et Naturel, Division de l'aménagement du Territoire et du paysage, Strasbourg, France; Valencia Summit, America's Cup, Valencia, Spain. Since 2014 she has participated in: LENS Italia; National Design Commission for the Person, ADI Milan; responsible for the Design and Fashion sectors of the CUAM University Foundation; International Dimension Commission, Italian Design Society (SID). She collaborates with the International Textile Research Group of the Universidad de São Paulo (USP).

Bárbara Pizzicato, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"

PhD student in Environment, Design and Innovation at Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, with a Master's Degree in Design for Innovation. Her fields of interest and investigation range from various branches of the discipline, from Product to Fashion Design, with a strong focus on Communication, in both theoretical and practical aspects.

Gianni Montagna, University of Lisbon

Assistant Professor at Lisbon School of Architecture

Sónia Seixas, University of Lisbon

Professor at Universidade Aberta / Senior Researcher MARE


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How to Cite

SBORDONE, Maria Antonietta; PIZZICATO, Bárbara; MONTAGNA, Gianni; SEIXAS, Sónia. Fashion confronting unrelated sectors: the ideal model of manufacturing symbiosis between industrial systems. ModaPalavra e-periódico, Florianópolis, v. 15, n. 35, p. 70–85, 2022. DOI: 10.5965/1982615x15352022070. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.

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