Life projects of university students: perceptions from internal and external conversations and expectations
higher education, life project, expectations, internal and external conversations, retentionAbstract
The study aimed to analyze, from the perspective of higher education students, the relationship between internal conversations, external conversations, and initial expectations for the achievement of personal life projects. It is a qualitative research conducted in the classroom through student engagement with incoming students in the Electrical Engineering program in the year 2022. Two research instruments, "Life Project" and "Who Are We?", were individually developed and collectively discussed in a roundtable conversation dynamic. The data from the instruments were cross-referenced and analyzed through content analysis by categorization. The results indicate that the personal dimension plays a mediating role in student life projects. Achieving personal growth and happiness are means capable of achieving other projects in the academic and professional dimensions. The course represents a project to be completed by the majority of students, and learning is an important condition for retention, along with maintaining positive expectations and engagement with academic activities. Reflective dimensions proved to be mechanisms that promote retention, with internal conversations being more frequent in mediating and regulating concerns and making decisions regarding life projects.
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