Co-design com Prática Sustentável no Ensino de Design de Moda




co-desing , sustentabilidade , hacking


The issue of sustainability is presented today as one of the main challenges facing hypermodern society. Fashion designers and educators have the opportunity to adopt a fashion design paradigm, which departs from the classic structures of fast fashion and can guide them towards a new concept of ethical and sustainable fashion. From this approach it is possible to work with design, manufacturing and consumption criteria; but also reactivate the longevity of the garments, improving the user experience and the consideration of fashion waste. Our research is based on the concept of slow fashion and the application of co-design methods in classrooms, to encourage the development of sustainable practices and new collaborative methods in education, involving designers, researchers, craftsmen and different social groups and non-governmental organizations in the generation and development process. The qualitative methodological view was approached from the practice of participatory design in offline communities, where various design strategies for sustainability were implemented, such as; piracy, decoding and recoding techniques for second-hand clothing, all based on criteria of optimization and quality improvement of the garments. The sample included 30 participants divided into 5 groups, whose members adopted different roles and actions within the groups. Various data collection instruments were also used that measured awareness levels and sustainable positive impacts on workshop participants.


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Biografia do Autor

Desamparados Pardo Cuenca, EASD (Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Valencia UPV (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

 Desamparados Pardo Cuenca is an International Doctor in Fashion Design and a specialist in the field of collaborative and sustainable fashion design.
Her work as a professor begins in 2005 at the EASD in Valencia and ends in 2014 with the launch of the official Master's Degree in Fashion and Sustainability Co-design implemented at the EASD in Valencia.
Her line of work focuses on the management of sustainable projects integrated into circular economy processes in which upcycling and emotional durability strategies are applied simultaneously. However, within the master's degree, his work also stands out in a previous phase that was proposed as an alternative to textile waste, intervening on hacking processes and open codes.
Desamparados Pardo Cuenca is the main researchers of the group "fashion design, commitment and good practices: methods, instruments and contexts of action" that has been receiving financial subsidies from the Spanish ministry for several years. His most recent projects include:
"Emotional Durability versus Material Durability: Co-Design and Sustainability Practices in the Fashion Field"
"The poetics of the residue in the teaching of classrooms and contexts of social action" that has the support and integration of the IUAV University of Venezia. And The management of the last sustainable fashion show held in the city of Alcoy.
Finally, several international scientific publications are noteworthy both in congress and in seminars and book chapters, which always revolve around the issue of sustainable fashion, education, practice and the application of collaborative working methods.


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2020-10-02 — Atualizado em 2020-10-01


Como Citar

CUENCA, Desamparados Pardo. Co-design com Prática Sustentável no Ensino de Design de Moda. Revista de Ensino em Artes, Moda e Design, Florianópolis, v. 4, n. 3, p. 93–116, 2020. DOI: 10.5965/25944630432020093. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2025.