From anti-theatricality to the contemporary stage: visions of the other in theatricality




theatricality, anti-theatricality, other, vision, current


From Plato to the present day, the theatricality has been questioned through trans-historical theoretical prisms, arbitrarily contested for philosophers, artists and art critics. From the perspective of the actor-director-spectator triad, the aim is to understand the nuances between that one and anti-theatricality, whose intentions are not expected to be separate, but rather a feedback that takes place between the contradictions of their similarities and differences in the theatre. The other – individual, current, time, vision, artifice - becomes a key element in bringing the production closer to the perception of theatricality on the contemporary stage, through its particularities in the collective between art and life.


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Author Biography

Bruno Leal Piva, University of Lisbon

 PhD student at the Centre for Theatre Studies of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, financed by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under project 2020.04605.BD. He has a Master's degree in Performing Arts from FCSH/UNL and a degree in Letters (Port./Esp.) from FFLCH/USP. Actor-researcher.



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How to Cite

PIVA, Bruno Leal. From anti-theatricality to the contemporary stage: visions of the other in theatricality. Urdimento: Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, Florianópolis, v. 2, n. 51, p. 1–17, 2024. DOI: 10.5965/1414573102512024e0111. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.



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