The beauty stranger:
the grotesque poetics and their aesthetic reconfiguration in rock’n’roll musical genre
Grotesque., Art. Rock., Renaissance., Aesthetics.Abstract
The Article Through detail the grotesque concept around Fine Arts that pass by the cultural renaissance, we will analyse how the grotesque of renaissance reshapes itself in the rock
musical genre, not only in the musical speech, but verbal and visual through case studies. The research objective is to understand why the grotesque, a aesthetic genre that comes from the visual poetic, lies present and constantly in a reconfiguration process on the daily contemporary art, with emphasis on rock musical genre. Our methodology will be based on
case studies and our theoretical foundation will be integrated by the authors CARROL (1999); KAYZER (2013); SODRÉ and PAIVA (2003); Victor Hugo (2014), authors who will stablish
theories, foundations and concepts against or study grotesque aesthetics and also horror.
ARAÚJO, Rafael. A experiência do Horror: Arte, Pensamento e Política. São Paulo: Alameda, 2014.
HUGO, Victor. Do grotesco e do sublime: Tradução do prefácio de Cromwell. São Paulo: 2º edição, 2014.
ISAACSON, Walter. Leonardo da Vinci. São Paulo: Editora WMF Martins Pontes. 2017.
KAYSER, Wolfgang. O Grotesco. Configuração na pintura e na literatura. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2013.
MAZZOLENI, Florent. As raízes do rock. São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 2013.
SODRÉ, Muniz; PAIVA, Raquel. O Império do Grotesco. 1º edição. Editora Mauad, 2002.
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