Special Music Education Organizing Protocol (SMEOP): a proposal for teacher planning





special music education, inclusion, music development, teaching planning, music education organizing protocol


This work is part of a doctoral research that had as general objective to investigate the existing relations between Special Music Education and the development of social communication in autistic children. Among the products arising from that research, there was the development of an Organizing Protocol for Special Music Education (PROEME), consisting of five steps, which can be used by music educators who work in Special and/or Inclusive Music Education, and which will be presented in this text. The protocol steps – (1) student assessment; (2) prerequisite check; (3) implementation of routines and rules; (4) taking advantage of strengths and difficulties and (5) promoting adaptations – were tested during classes given to autistic children participating in the doctoral study in question. Such steps proved to be very useful for organizing teaching planning, as well as being effective in achieving the outlined pedagogical objectives, with the possibility of application to other deficiencies in general. Armed with techniques and methods, such as those proposed here by PROEME, we believe that the teacher's work with students with disabilities can become clearer and more effective, as well as less threatening.


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Author Biographies

Gleisson do Carmo Oliveira, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Music Educator and Music Therapist. Professor of the Department of Arts at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte. Doctor, Master and Licensed in Music by the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Specialist in Music Therapy by Instituto Fênix de Enseñanza e Investigación. Investigator of the relationships between music and human development, with emphasis on the effects of music on people with autism. Author of publications on Music, Autism, Inclusion, Musical Education and Music Therapy.


Maria Betânia Parizzi Fonseca, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Associate Professor at the UFMG School of Music. PhD in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine of UFMG, with a postdoctoral degree from the Université Paris-Diderot. Master and specialist in Music Education from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and Bachelor in Piano from the same institution. Coordinator of the MUSICOG Research Group - Music, Cognition and Human Development (CNPq). Among his main publications are the books: Music and Human Development - pedagogical and therapeutic practices (2022), Music and Autism - ideas in counterpoint (2022); Baby and Music (2020), Musiquês: is it a language or a song? (2018); Musicalization in Regular School - training teachers and students (2016); PianoBrincando (1993, 2020), as well as articles on music, cognition and music education.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, Gleisson do Carmo; FONSECA, Maria Betânia Parizzi. Special Music Education Organizing Protocol (SMEOP): a proposal for teacher planning. Orfeu, Florianópolis, v. 8, n. 1, p. e0102, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/2525530408012023e0102. Disponível em: https://periodicos.udesc.br/index.php/orfeu/article/view/23407. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.