Correlation between the designers' intention and the interpretation of the colors of a clothing collection by people of Generation Z




Fashion Design, Semiotics, Visual Communication


Fashion designers need to make conceptual-thematic choices, effectively delivering a message. Among the elements of visual language used in this codification, color, due to its symbolic aspect, plays an essencial role in the process of visual communication. Therefore, this article seeks to explore the interpretive possibilities of the semantic dimension of a color chart by comparing the effectiveness of the designers' intention on the visual message of colors in a clothing collection with the interpretation of potential Generation Z consumers. The semantic differential (SD) and the free word association (FWA) methods were used in this research, interviewing 4 designers, who coded the collection investigated in the scope of this work, and questioning 52 potential consumers of Generation Z. Thus, the results for SD and FWA suggested a moderate level of understanding between intention and interpretation of color messages.


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Author Biographies

Ítalo José de Medeiros Dantas, Federal University of Campina Grande

Master's student in Design by the Federal University of Campina Grande, Specialist in Communication, Semiotics and Visual Languages ​​by the Braz Cubas University and Fashion Designer by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - Campus Caicó. Member of the national research groups Information, Languages ​​and Usability Research Group (UFCG), Color Study Group (UFCG) and Textile and Clothing Research Group (IFRN). It is also affiliated with Associação Pró-Cor do Brasil and a participant in the international study groups Language of Color and Environmental Color Design, both linked to the International Color Association (AIC).

Camila Assis Peres Silva, Federal University of Campina Grande

Adjunct Professor and member of the Graduate Program of the Design Course at UFCG. PhD in Design and Architecture, she holds a Masters in Design from ESDI/UERJ and a degree in Industrial Design (Visual Programming) from EBA/UFRJ. Leader of the Information, Languages ​​and Usability Research Center (UFCG). Affiliated to Associação Pro-Cor do Brasil and participating in study groups linked to the International Color Association (AIC).


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How to Cite

DANTAS, Ítalo José de Medeiros; SILVA, Camila Assis Peres. Correlation between the designers’ intention and the interpretation of the colors of a clothing collection by people of Generation Z. ModaPalavra e-periódico, Florianópolis, v. 15, n. 36, p. 8–34, 2022. DOI: 10.5965/1982615x15362022008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.




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