About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The ModaPalavra e-journal is organized from Santa Catarina’s State University Fashion Graduate Program. Concerned about the scientific diffusion in the fashion field, aims to socialize to the academic and business worlds, through unpublished works, the most distinguished investigations in the scope of teaching, research and production related to Fashion, understood as a knowledge field and inseparable from contemporary society.

Also appreciated are manuscripts related to works developed by teachers, professionals and academics identified with the journal’s central theme - fashion in its social, historical, technological, educational, economic and design developments - since they are original and have not been submitted to publication on any other journal, in part or in full. For more information about article submission, go to.

Peer Review Process

The evaluation process occurs in two main stages for the Dossier, Variata and Review sections.

1. Blind Peer Review by the Editorial Board:

The Editorial Board makes a preliminary assessment according to: the relevance of the proposed study and the physical aspects and relevance to the publication rules.

If the text meets the requirements, and is approved, it is passed to the next step. If it is not, it will be forwarded to the author, with the necessary explanations so that the article can be submitted for re-evaluation, or refused and returned to the author.


2. Blind Peer Review by the Consulting Board:

The editors appoint two reviewers to carry out the evaluation. In case of divergence of opinions, the manuscript is sent to a third evaluator.

a. Firstly, the following aspects are considered:

Title and subtitle consistent with the text; Abstract that expresses the work’s content; Introduction; topic’s addressing relevance; Theme’s domain and development; content deepening; work structure; Spelling and grammatical correction; writing clarity; Conclusion; Bibliographic references current and relevant; Compliance with the the Journal’s norms.

b. After analysis, an opinion is drafted considering:

Questions concerning form: the grammatical and stylistic aspects; Questions concerning content: logic and coherence of argumentation; Issues related to the stages of work: conception, problems formulation, hypotheses or concepts and analysis direction.

c. Finally, the appraiser must choose one of the following judgments: Approved; Conditionally Approved; Rejected.

The author will receive an e-mail informing the result of the evaluation and other recommendations according to the result.

Papers that are Approved or Conditionally Approved, and receive recommendations and suggestions, will be forwarded to the authors for corrections within 10 days. In this case, the return period must be respected and it will be up to the editors to assess whether or not the recommendations have been met and, if not, to refuse publication. If the corrected text is not submitted to the platform according to the stipulated deadline, it will be archived.

There will be no recourse to the refused works. Submissions that do not meet the standards for publication will be returned to the authors.

For rejected texts, the evaluators are allowed to suggest that the work be submitted to publications aimed at other areas, if the manuscript presents non-conformity with the areas of comprehension of the ModaPalavra e-journal.


Only the Editorial Board will review submissions for the Interview section.


Ethical principles and good publishing practices


Duties of the editor:

Transparency and respect: the editor should evaluate the submitted manuscripts without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality or the authors political philosophy.

Confidentiality: Any information about any submitted work must be kept confidential, except for the reviewers and the editorial team.

Publication decision: the editor has the function of deciding which articles will be published in the periodic or not. He must follow the guidelines of the journal.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest: The publisher shall not use unpublished materials disclosed in a manuscript submitted for own research without the express written consent of the author. The editor should refuse to evaluate manuscripts in which he has conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative or other relationships or links with any of the authors, companies or institutions attached to the manuscripts.

Involvement and co-operation in investigations: The editor must take action when ethical complaints have been filed regarding a submitted manuscript or published article.


Duties of the Reviewers:

Contribution to editorial decisions: the reviews helps the editor in making editorial decisions and through communications with the author can also aid the same in improving the article.

Punctuality: reviewers should notify the editorial team immediately if they do not feel qualified to review the indicated article or if they are unable to accomplish the deadline.

Confidentiality: submitted papers should not be shown or discussed with others. They should be treated as confidential documents.

Standards of objectivity: the reviews should have the reviewers' point of view expressed clearly and supported by arguments.

Disclosure and conflict of interest: privileged information or ideas obtained by the reviewer through the reading of the manuscripts must be kept confidential and should not be used for personal gain. The reviewer should not evaluate manuscripts in which he has conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative or other relationships or links with any of the authors, companies or institutions linked to the manuscripts.


Duties of the Authors:

General rules: the authors of papers that refer to original research must present an accurate report of the work done, as well as an objective discussion about its meaning. Additional data should be accurately represented in the article. The document should contain sufficient detail and references that allow others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or intentionally inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

Originality and plagiarism: any form of plagiarism constitutes unethical editorial behavior and is unacceptable. Authors have a duty to ensure that their works and ideas are original.

Multiple, redundant and simultaneous publication: sending the same work to more than one periodic at the same time and/or publishing the same article in more than one periodic constitutes unethical editorial behavior and is unacceptable.

On the sources: the sources used to create the work of the authors must always be recognized. All information obtained in particular should be used only with the explicit written permission of the source. Information obtained through confidential services, such as manuscript arbitration or scholarship applications, should not be used without the explicit written permission of the author of the work involved in these services.

Authorship: The works can be signed by a maximum of four authors. The articles have a leading author who comes first and acts as the corresponding author, the order is defined by the authors at the time of submission. The term of consent and science to publish is signed by all authors with Lattes and ORCID.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: All sources of financial support for the project must be disclosed. Any type of personal or professional relationship between the author and reviewers/editor does not that can benefit or harm the author during the evaluation process.

Key Errors in Published Papers: when an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work it is the author's obligation to immediately inform the editorial team and cooperate to correct the article.


Publication Frequency

We publish one volume per year with two issues per volume (January-June and July-December). The publication of each issue is digital and semiannual.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.

The articles published by ModaPalavra e-journal are free of charge and are under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Sharing and use is permitted for any non-commercial purpose, provided that the proper credits are attributed to Modapalavra e-journal (with the edition information, the article’s authors names, the license information and a link to the material), as template:

"This article was originally published by Modapalavra e-journal, under license CC BY NC, in its volume [insert volume], number [insert number] in the year of [insert year], by the author (s) [insert names], and can be accessed at: http://www.revistas.udesc.br/index.php/modapalavra/"

Licença Creative Commons


There is no fee for published texts, nor are for those submitted for evaluation, revision, publication, distribution or download.


The ModaPalavra e-journal is available in the following indexers/databases:




Journal history

Unfolded from the book with the same name, the journal has been published every six months since 2008.

Already part of the editorial team:


Aline de Souza Rocha (Scholarship — Editorial Production, 2017)

Amanda Almeida Müller (Scholarship — Editorial Production, 2018-2019)

Jorge Luiz Fernandes Filho (Scholarship — Editorial Production, 2018–2019)

Maria Aparecida Clemência (Editorial Production, 2015–2017)

Mara Rúbia Sant'Anna (Publisher, 2007–2016)

Sandra Regina Rech (Publisher, 2017–currently)