Behind the Scenes: The Narrative of a Professor, Independent Set Designer and Former Theater Student in Lima, Peru: interview with José LuísValles Ruiz


  • Percy Velarde Castillo Universidad Nacional de Córdoba image/svg+xml
  • José Luiz Valles Ruiz Escuela nacional Superior de Arte Dramática (ENSAD)



scenography, teaching, search, behind the scenes


In this interview with the professor and set designer José Luiz Valles Ruiz, from the city of Lima, Peru, we propose to present an action carried out at the A Luz em Cena Event 11th edition of 2023. In it we intend to create a behind-the-scenes tour of the scenography, transforming spaces and transmitting knowledge, from his initial knowledge as an academic and then as an independent set designer, researcher in higher schools in other countries and his return as a theater teacher, set design area at ENSAD, National Higher School. of Dramatic Art located in the city of Lima, capital of Peru.


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Author Biographies

Percy Velarde Castillo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Master en Psicología, por la UFSC. Postgrado en Gestión Cultural, por la UNC - Argentina. Licenciado en Artes Escénicas, por la UDESC. Egresado del Club Teatro de Lima – Perú. Docente de teatro, gestor cultural, facilitador y especialista en convivencia democrática. Como gestor cultural capacitó a diversas comunidades a nivel nacional e internacional.

José Luiz Valles Ruiz, Escuela nacional Superior de Arte Dramática (ENSAD)

Docente de teatro en la carrera de diseño escenográfico en la ENSAD, Escuela Nacional Superior de Arte Dramático. Master en Teatro y Artes Escénicas UNIR-México.  Egresado de la Escuela Nacional Superior de Arte Dramático. Especialidad Diseño escenográfico. de Lima – Perú.



How to Cite

CASTILLO, Percy Velarde; RUIZ, José Luiz Valles. Behind the Scenes: The Narrative of a Professor, Independent Set Designer and Former Theater Student in Lima, Peru: interview with José LuísValles Ruiz. A Luz em Cena: Revista de Pedagogias e Poéticas Cenográficas, Florianópolis, v. 3, n. 06, p. 1–22, 2024. DOI: 10.5965/27644669030620230801. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.