Corporeity and animation theater at school: hide or show




Corporeity, Animation Theater, Theater Pedagogy


One of the biggest challenges encountered in teaching the performing arts is to put the student in evidence when sharing his scenic creation with colleagues, especially when the focus is usually the body. When reflecting on this aspect, the present text dealt with the possibility of the body work with students in Elementary School with the starting point in the Theater of Animation – theoretical reflection based on my Doctorate in Arts research Scenic, in progress, at the University of Brasília. This article will address the following aspects: the bodily course within the Animation Theater aimed at Elementary Schools; the body in the shade; the embodiment of the puppet with the hands; and, the body in the scene in direct animation. As methodological procedures analysis of articles, dissertations and theses were used. It was concluded that the corporeity in the puppet theater presents unique nuances to the experience in drama classes in elementary school.


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Author Biography

Jailson Araújo Carvalho, Secretaria de Educação do Distrito Federal (DF)

PhD student in Performing Arts at the University of Brasilia, Master of Arts at the University of Brasilia, graduated in Full Degree in Performing Arts (FADM / 2005) and Bachelor of Theatrical Interpretation (FADM / 2005). Specialist in Methodology of Teaching Arts (UNINTER), School Management (UnB), Education in Human Rights (UFPR), Media in Education (UFOP), Planning Implementation and Management of Distance Education (UFF), Pedagogical Coordination (UnB) and Arts Teaching: techniques and procedures (UCAM). He is currently a professor of Performing Arts at the Education Department of the Federal District. Has experience in the area of ​​Arts, with emphasis on Theater, Theater of Animated Forms, Education and Technology


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How to Cite

CARVALHO, Jailson Araújo. Corporeity and animation theater at school: hide or show. Urdimento: Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, Florianópolis, v. 1, n. 43, 2022. DOI: 10.5965/1414573101432022e0109. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.