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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Yes, this work is original and unpublished, the content is not similar (plagiarism) to other published works.
  • Yes, I agree with the Evaluation Policies this work is without authorship identification in the text and in the Word file, ensuring the Blind Evaluation by Peers
  • Yes, I agree to reference and cite in this work at least one article published in postgraduate scientific journal

Author Guidelines

Urdimento accepts texts in the form of scientific articles, reports, interviews, translations, round tables, reviews and dramaturgy. Texts are not accepted, whether they are just research projects or reports; only literature review; clippings of academic works without adaptation; experience report without in-depth theoretical discussion; incomplete or insufficiently elaborated for the proposed theme; outside the Performing Arts area; written in a non-academic manner or
that contain many language and typographical errors; formatted from rules different from those practiced by the journal.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the compliance of the submission with all of the items listed below. Submissions that do not conform to the standards will be returned to the authors.

 As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the compliance of the submission with all of the items listed below.

The texts must be sent electronically through the site:, through Platform OJS3 - Open Journal System - in which the author's data must be entered, including the e-mail address and a biography of up to four lines, emphasizing the institutional link and academic background.

To fill in:
ORCID - with the link to the ORCID

How to send an article to Urdimento

Carefully read the publication guidelines before starting the submission process. Articles that do not fully comply with the specifications in the Journal's rules will be rejected in the preliminary evaluation process.
An author may only publish an article, report or dramaturgy once a year on
Urdimento, even in cases of co authorship, with the exception of the Debates, Translation or Inteviews section.
Text formatting
Files must be in Doc format. or Docx, with a maximum weight of 30 MB, as follows:
1. Title, abstract and keywords in
Portuguese, English and Spanish.
·      Title in lowercase, maximum 100 characters with spaces.
·      Abstract with a maximum of 700 characters with spaces.
.    Use three to five keywords.
2.  The abstract must be written in the third person singular and in the past, making references to research already carried out.
3.    Text and file size:
·      Articles, Reports, Translations, Debates and Interviews – can have between 20,000 and 55,000 characters (spaces included), with references, notes, images, tables included. 
·      Reviews must be between 5,000 to 25,000 characters with spaces.
Other guidelines 

1. The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not under consideration for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the Editor".

2. The submission must present title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

3. Urdimento receives articles in Portuguese and can publish the same article in Portuguese, Spanish and English as long as the author provides, after approval of the article, its version in Spanish or English. And it must be included, obligatorily, in a footnote, pulled from the title - the name and education of the person who made the revision of the Spanish or English version of the article.

4. Urdimento accepts articles from research communications already
published in Annals of events, as long as they are substantially revised and increased. And the author must, in a footnote, explain and reference
the appropriate Annals. Urdimento only accepts a percentage of 15% similarity with the original text already published in Anais.
5. For articles originating from course completion works, dissertations or
theses, the author must inform such condition/situation at the time of submission in the notes to the editor field and, if the text is approved, this
information must be included in a footnote.
6. The identification of authorship of the work must be removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the journal's
secrecy criterion, if submitted for peer review (eg articles), according to instructions available in Ensuring Evaluation Blind by Pairs. If you have
difficulties anonymizing the article, simply mention this in the "comments to the editor" during the online submission process.
7. All articles submitted to Urdimento from 2022 onwards, after being approved and before being published, the author(s) must present in a footnote, starting from the title - the name and training of the person who did the spelling and grammatical review of the article. This person must have an undergraduate or master's or doctoral degree in Literature. Insert: Spelling and grammatical revision of the article carried out by ......”.
8. Submitted articles that are the result of research financed by development agencies must inform the agency in a footnote pulled from the title of the article.
9. The author(s) undertake to provide the journal with retractions or corrections of any errors.
10. If the article was written based on research that presents real risks for the participants, it is mandatory to present an opinion from the Ethics Committee of the researcher's institution.
11. The author(s) are responsible for the content of their articles, as well as for the copyright of images, videos and any textual or complementary elements to their article. Images, figures and tables must be inserted in the body of the text and not at the end, and each one must have its respective 1.    caption and font. You declare that you own the publishing rights of the images inserted in the article.
12.  It is recommended that texts referring to performances, shows or the like present images and/or video/links that must appear in the body of the text,
with subtitles and the referenced source. The author(s) declare that they have the rights to display the inserted images.
13. By sending the text, the author accepts the rules of the magazine and assigns the publication rights of the work to Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas.
14. The author declares that he/she has no conflict of interest for the evaluation of the submitted manuscript or explained any conflicts in the "Comments to the editor" field.
15. The author declares that the submission of this article implies acceptance of future requests for evaluation of articles for this journal as an ad hoc reviewer. 
16. Artists recognized by their peers, in their area of ​​activity, and endorsed by the Editors of the Dossiers, may publish articles and/or reports in Urdimento's dossiers, even if they do not have an academic degree, or only have a degree. With this, we began to recognize the artist who has a theoretical/practical domain valued in his artistic universe.
About the sections

1. Expedient - This section is exclusive to Urdimento's manager(s).

2. Dedication / Tribute - This section aims to honor relevant people in the Performing Arts area, and can be submitted by readers/authors as long as it is approved by the Urdimento's Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors.

3. Editorial - Shared section between the Editor-in-Chief/Associate Editors and the Editorial Board of Thematic Dossiers.

4. Thematic dossiers - This section is composed of unpublished articles, relevant to the thematic area of the journal and of the referred dossier, whose theme may be proposed by any member of the Editorial Team, the Referee Board, the Editorial Board, interested researchers, duly justified.

5. Reports - Linked to the Thematic Dossier as a subject, this section may publish works by people with artistic practice, but without academic degrees, but with due recognition of their activity. It must be an unpublished paper.

6. Debates - This section receives texts linked to the thematic dossier in which it will be published, resulting from round tables. These round tables must be composed by specialists on the theme and who expose their knowledge on the subject. It must have an introductory part that introduces the panel to Urdimento It must be an unpublished paper.

7. Dramaturgies - This section receives texts whose central theme is linked to the Thematic Dossier in which it will be published. The relevance of its publication must be referenced by members of the Editorial Board of the Thematic Dossier to which it is linked. It must have an introductory part that introduces this work to Urdimento It must be an unpublished paper.

8. Continuous Flow - Section for unpublished articles that deal with themes different from the central theme of the issue. It is a space reserved for the publication of texts that deal with emerging themes and/or that are relevant to the Performing Arts field.

9. Translations - Translations of texts from foreign languages into Portuguese will be accepted, duly accompanied by authorization from the copyright holder of the original text.

10. Interviews - This section is composed of interviews with researcher(s)/artists linked to the performing arts. Authorship is shared between the interviewee and the interviewer. The interview must be preceded by a short text introducing the interviewee, contextualizing its theme and the situation in which it was carried out.

11. Reviews - This section consists of reviews of works published in Brazil or abroad. The reviews must be accompanied by an image of the book's cover and its bibliographic reference in accordance with ABNT norms. The review must have a title different from the title of the book reviewed.

12. Photographic Assay of Plays - A visual record of artistic productions by teachers and students from the Performing Arts Department and the Post-graduate Program in Theater (PPGT) at UDESC.

Quantities of sections for publication

  1. Dossiers - 10 articles per issue
  2. Stream - 10 articles per issue
  3. Translations - 1 per issue
  4. Interviews - 1 per issue
  5. Reports - 1 per number
  6. Dramaturgy - 1 per number
  7. Debates - 1 per number
  8. Audiovisual - 1 per number
  9. Reviews - 1 per issue
  10. Photo essay - 1 per issue

Evaluation Policies of the different Sections

  1. Urdimento guarantees the quality of its texts through rigorous peer review.
  2. Texts submitted through the Urdimento system will be initially evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief, as to their compliance with the guidelines for authors, the focus and scope of the journal. After approval in the initial evaluation, they will be submitted to double peer review.
  3. The review will be conducted by at least two scholars in the field. The reviewers are listed on the Urdimento Ad hoc reviewers will be invited when necessary.
  4. The Editor-in-Chief, after the evaluations made by at least two specialists in the field, will verify the opinions in relation to the contribution in question and then deliberate on the publication of the article. In case of two divergent evaluations, the article will be submitted to a third evaluation to break the tie.
  5. The articles sent to the Thematic Dossiers will be exclusively evaluated by the Editorial Board of each Thematic Dossier, also using the double system. The Editorial Board will also evaluate the sections: Articles, Debates, Reports and Dramaturgies, as to their relevance for publication, linked to the Thematic Dossiers.
  6. The interviews will be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief and/or Associate Editors, not being submitted to the double peer-review system, so there is no need to go to the Board of Reviewers in these cases.
  7. Translations will be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief and/or Associate Editors, who, in this case, may approve, reject, or, if they deem necessary, submit them to the evaluation of the referees.
  8. Reviews will be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief and/or Associate Editors, and will not be submitted to the double peer review system, there is therefore no need to go to the Board of Reviewers in such cases.

Every two years, the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors will analyze the performance of the referees and the Editorial Board, taking into consideration aspects such as: availability to meet demands; agility in the issuing of opinions; quality of the issued opinions; eventual contributions to the policy; maintenance of the personal Lattes résumé updated. Counselors who receive an indication of low performance may be automatically disqualified.


  • The list of references must contain only the description of the documents actually cited in the paper.
  • The references of the documentary sources cited in the paper must be included in the same list as the references (do not make separate list(s)).
  • The names of the author(s) must be written in full, without abbreviations, and the titles of the works in italics.
  • References must use the author/date system as follows: (Author's last name, year) for indirect citations and (Author's last name, year, page) for direct citations. Examples: (Silva, 1997) or (Silva, 1997, p.452). Different titles of the same author and year should be identified with a letter that differentiates them. Example: (Silva, 1997a, p.452).
  • The bibliographical citations of the Footnotes and the final Bibliography must follow the norms of ABNT-NBR 6023, exemplified below.


  • Books:

  VEIGA, Eliane Veras da. Florianópolis: Memória Urbana.    Florianópolis: Fundação Franklin Cascaes, 2010.

  • Book Chapter: 

CHARTIER, Roger. Editar Shakespeare. In: Kátia Paranhos (Org.) História, teatro e política. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2012, p.15-33.

  • Dissertation and Thesis:

XAVIER, Jussara Jinping. Acontecimentos de dança: corporeidades e teatralidades contemporâneas. 2012. Tese (Doutorado em Teatro) – Centro de Artes – Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis,  2012.

  • Journal article and digital journal:

DESGRANGES, Flávio. Instâncias da relação entre teatro e público: o espectador como participante do ato teatral. Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, Florianópolis, v.3, n. 36, p.85-95, 2019. Acesso em: 15 jul. 2020. DOI: 10.5965/1414573103362019085

  • Newspaper article: 

ALVES, Uelinton Farias. A experiência teatral do poeta Cruz e Souza. Suplemento Cultural de Santa Catarina – Ô Catarina, Florianópolis, dec. 2013, p.9.

  • Work published in Annals:

CABRAL, Beatriz Ângela Vieira. A tensão como pivô da experiência em drama. In: VI CONGRESSO ABRACE, 2010. Anais do VI Congresso de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas, São Paulo,2010, p.1-5.

  • Interviews

PERRUCHON, Véronique. Os caminhos de uma iluminadora-professora. Interview granted to Priscila Costa and José Ronaldo Faleiro. Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, Florianópolis, v.1, n.37, p.423-440, 2020.

  • Quotation of quotation - apud

The citation is made by the name of the original author, followed by the expression apud (which means "next to" - equivalent in Portuguese to "citado por", "conforme", "segundo") and the name of the author of the work read. Structure of this citation = Original author (apud author, year, page).

  • Tranlations

In the body of the article goes the text in Portuguese or Spanish. The original text in non-Portuguese or Spanish must be placed in a footnote, without italics and quotation marks. And at the end put, if it is the case, (Translation ours) if the author of the article is the translator, or the name of the translator also in parentheses.

  • Use of griffon
    • Our emphasis/griffon - is the emphasis of the author of the article
    • Author's emphasis/griffon - is the original author's emphasis.


Continuous flow

It consists of original articles dealing with a theme different from the central theme of the edition. It is a space reserved for the publication of texts that deal with emerging issues and / or that are relevant to the field of Performing Arts. Articles received in a continuous flow, independent of thematic dossier.

Dossiê Temático: Ações feministas/corpas decoloniais: cenários do sul

Para o Dossiê Temático: Ações feministas/corpas decoloniais: cenários do sul a Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas – receberá artigos até 30 de junho de 2024. Os textos selecionados irão compor a Urdimento, v.3, n. 52, de setembro de 2024.

Dossiê Temático: Teatralidades negras, africanas e afrodiaspóricas

Para o Dossiê Temático: Teatralidades negras, africanas e afrodiaspóricas a Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas – receberá artigos até 20 de setembro de 2024. Os textos selecionados irão compor a Urdimento, v.4, n. 53, dez. 2024.

Dossiê Temático: Corpos que escrevem

Para o Dossiê Temático: Corpos que escrevem a Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas – receberá artigos até 15 de fevereiro de 2024. Os textos selecionados irão compor a Urdimento, v.4, n. 53, dez. 2024.


Esta seção  recebe texto vinculado ao Dossiê Temático, em que vai ser publicado, resultante de mesas de debates. Essas mesas devem ser compostas por especialistas sobre o tema e que nela expõem seus conhecimentos sobre o assunto. Deve ter uma parte introdutória que situa essa mesa aos leitores da Urdimento. Deve ser uma publicação inédita.


Translations of foreign language texts into the Portuguese language will be accepted, duly accompanied by the authorization of the copyright holder of the original text


It consists of interviews with renowned artists / researchers of the area and who contribute to the deepening and revision of established themes in the area of Performing Arts.


Esta seção se constitui em resenha de obras publicadas no Brasil ou no exterior. As resenhas devem vir acompanhadas de imagem da capa do livro e sua referencia bibliográfica de acordo com as normas da ABNT. A resenha deve possuir um título diferente do título do livro resenhado.


Vinculados ao Dossiê Temático enquanto assunto, essa seção pode publicar trabalhos de pessoas com prática artística, mas sem titulação acadêmica, mas com devido reconhecimento de sua atividade. Deve ser uma publicação inédita.


Esta seção é composta de entrevistas com pesquisadoras(es)/artistas vinculados as artes cênicas. Sendo que a autoria se reparte entre a/o entrevistada(o) e a/o entrevistador(a). A entrevista deve ser precedida de um texto curto de apresentação da entrevistada, contextualizando sua temática e a situação em que foi realizada.


A seção Dramaturgias recebe texto scuja temática central esteja vinculada ao Dossiê Temático, em que vai ser publicado. A pertinência de sua publicação deve ser referendada pelos membros do Corpo Editorial do Dossiê Temático ao qual está vinculado. Deve ter uma parte introdutória que situa essa obra aos leitores da Urdimento. E deve ser uma publicação inédita.


This section is a review of works published in Brazil or abroad. Reviews should be accompanied by a cover image of the book and its bibliographic reference according to ABNT standards.

Privacy Statement

The opinions expressed in articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. The publication of articles, photos and drawings have to be authorized by the responsible persons or their representatives. The names and addresses reported in this journal are not available for other purposes or to third parties.