Arts sciences in Science: when listening pollinates learning in Early Childhood Education


  • Priscilla Ramos Figueiredo Cunha Rio de Janeiro Federal Institute of Education image/svg+xml
  • Sandro Tiago da Silva Figueira Fluminense Federal University image/svg+xml



teacher learning, drafts of themselves, science teaching, early childhood education


We problematize in this text the formative power of listening in pedagogical relationships contextualized in Early Childhood Education as a pollinating dimension of teaching-learning processes in Sciences. We start from the recognition that connections in the classroom have much to tell us, however, it is necessary to explore the lived encased in the talk/narrate roaming to access learning that is revealed in the subtle and clarify, in this movement, the meanings produced by students and teachers. We rely methodologically on (self)biographical research, having the drafts of themselves as semiotic support to explain the listening experiences and reveal formative arts in Sciences of a teacher regent of Early Childhood Education in a public school in Itaboraí. We assume teacher learning as a process of reelaborating, discovering and reconstructing knowledge in the direction of promoting dynamic, contextualized pedagogical actions that permeates thinking and doing with meanings. Thus, we argue that the knowledge in Sciences promoted by schools should imply in the development of the autonomous capacity to see and think about the issues that circulate the trajectories of life and training.


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How to Cite

CUNHA, Priscilla Ramos Figueiredo; FIGUEIRA, Sandro Tiago da Silva. Arts sciences in Science: when listening pollinates learning in Early Childhood Education. Revista Linhas, Florianópolis, v. 25, n. 57, p. 63–78, 2024. DOI: 10.5965/1984723825572024063. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.