Science initiation in early childhood education: nature to play and to experiment




knowledge construction, initiation to science, early childhood education, nature


The objective of this article is to discuss the perspectives of Science Teaching for early childhood education, adjusting them to the age range and training purposes of this level of education in Brazil, which provides for comprehensive training beyond care. It starts from the principle of building knowledge from the birth of the child, according to Piaget, and bring points to be considerate as keys to thinking about teaching and learning Science, facing advances in this area. Conceptualizations and the formulation of hypotheses, among other aspects, are not yet feasible at this stage of development. A key point for this teaching is the appreciation of research, exploration of the natural environment and experimentation by children at school, aiming to help them establish logical relationships in which they have an active role in the reality they live in. It is argued that early childhood education is a moment of initiation into science with notions built on playing and experimenting with nature, in activities planned in vegetable gardens, gardens and other school spaces. However, teaching objectives and planning are part of supporting the construction of knowledge, without the formalization of a class. Three studies are listed, one of which criticizes the limitation of coloring and copying activities in children's contact with Science content. Alternatives for teaching exemplify relationships and cycles in the themes of stingless bees, germination and water, with rainwater collection to water the garden. Therefore, initiation into science through playing and experimenting with nature are guidelines for changes in Science teaching.


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How to Cite

MASSABNI, Vânia Galindo. Science initiation in early childhood education: nature to play and to experiment. Revista Linhas, Florianópolis, v. 25, n. 57, p. 19–38, 2024. DOI: 10.5965/1984723825572024019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.