Discovering, exploring, imagining: the influence of music on child development
music learning, children, discovery, child developmentAbstract
The project, Discovering, exploring, imagining: the influence of music on child development, was developed in a daycare and kindergarten activity room. Thus, through the observation of the interests and motivations of both groups, I found that the theme of greatest interest was convergent around music allowing me to establish a continuity between contexts, making the following question the major research question: To understand in what way the use of musical expression can or cannot contribute to the integral and integrated development of the child? The implementation of the project allowed me to achieve all the specific objectives, namely: reinforce activities of greater contact of the groups with different forms of expression and communication; understand how music contributes to the development and learning of the child; allow the construction of a positive look of children about music and provide a contact with diversified materials in order to stimulate the intrusion of music. The pedagogical intervention project was supported in the action-research approach and the instruments for collecting information, such as observations, written, photographic and video records provided the construction of pedagogical documentation. During the project, the groups were always very receptive, interested and motivated during all the proposals presented, contributing to the progress of their motor, affective and cognitive skills, reflecting in the construction of new learning. The project led to an improvement in my attitude, making me more reflective professionally, with evident effects in the construction of new learning by the groups.
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