Sexting as a marker of group identity in social media: developmental aspects and pragmatic-interactional interface




sexting, sexting and adolescence, technologically mediated sexuality, identity, social interaction and pragmatic


This article discusses the practice of sexting by adolescents in social networks in order to evaluate the process of technologically mediated interaction and some of its implications for the establishment of social bonds and the construction of identity markers. Theoretical principles of Evolutionary Developmental Psychology and Interactional Pragmatics will be used in this discussion. The data presented was collected from a group of students from two schools in the city of Salvador/BA through a semi-open questionnaire built to obtain information about the conception that these students presented about sexting, the interaction network where this behavior occurred and ways of dealing with the risks inherent in this behavior. The results showed that talking about sexuality is still a taboo. This was evident both in the avoidance of adolescents in assuming the practice of sexting, especially in front of their parents, and in the apparently contradictory responses recorded in the questionnaire. It is fundamental that more research on sexting be developed to understand a conscious experience of technologically mediated sexuality so that its benefits are well used and its risks are minimized.


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How to Cite

SOUZA, Fabricio de; VALADARES, Flávio Biasutti. Sexting as a marker of group identity in social media: developmental aspects and pragmatic-interactional interface . Revista Linhas, Florianópolis, v. 24, n. 54, p. 411–430, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/1984723824542023411. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.