Saddlebag of Stories: a mediation initiative of literary reading in public schools in the State of Ceará


  • Maria Elzilene Moreira Nóbrega e Oliveira FECLESC/UECE
  • Tâmara Maria Bezerra Costa Coelho IE/ ULisboa
  • Keila Andrade Haiashida FECLESC/UECE



saddlebag of stories, literary reading, reading mediation, education, training of readers


The Saddlebag of Stories is a strategy of the mediation of literary reading created by the Axis of Literature and Training of the Reader of the MAIS PAIC Program, an initiative of the Secretary of Education of the State of Ceará aimed at teachers and students from the 3rd to the 5th year of the initial years of elementary school. The Saddlebag of Stories is made up of reading journeys out loud performed by the teacher, from previously selected literary works. It is a systematic activity, held weekly at educational institutions, with a minimum duration of thirty minutes. Each Saddlebag session is divided into two inseparable moments: the oral sharing of the text and the realization of a circle of culture from the shared narrative. The objective of this work is to present the four pillars that underlie the practice of the Saddlebag of Stories, as well as a suggestion of its realization from the book, “Jaci, a filha da lua” (MORENA, 2015) which belongs to the collection of the PAIC Prose and Poetry Collection. For the construction of this article, it was used as methodological procedures the qualitative approach and the contributions of Jauss (1979), referring to reception aesthetics. Authors such as Freire (2004), Zilberman (2009), Machado (2015), Yunes (2002) and Lajolo (1993) theoretically illuminate this work, in addition to the institutional publications of the aforementioned program. The results reveal that the Saddlebag of Stories has made a significant contribution to the contact of the participants with the literary text, favoring dialogues based on shared readings and enriching aspects of enjoyment of the works. In this way, it presents itself as a strong contribution to the formation of literary readers in the State of Ceará.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, Maria Elzilene Moreira Nóbrega e; COELHO, Tâmara Maria Bezerra Costa; HAIASHIDA, Keila Andrade. Saddlebag of Stories: a mediation initiative of literary reading in public schools in the State of Ceará. Revista Linhas, Florianópolis, v. 23, n. 52, p. 249–279, 2022. DOI: 10.5965/1984723823522022249. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.