About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal DAPesquisa is a periodical publication of the Arts Center of the Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (University of the State of Santa Catarina - Brazil).

The journal is a four-monthly publication and is in continuous receipt of article and interview ORIGINAL and NOVEL for publication, by Brazilian and foreign authors, preferably dealing with subjects in the areas of performing arts, visual arts, music, design and fashion.

Peer Review Process

The publication of articles is subjected to at least two opinions of members from the Editorial Board or of ad hoc collaborators in a process of blind evaluation, respecting the percentage of 75% of the peers being members from outside the institution and/or country.

The selection of articles for publication has as minimum criteria: its contribution to Art and the editorial line of the Journal, the originality of the subject or the treatment given to it, as well as the consistency and rigor of the theoretical-methodological approach.

DAPesquisa adopts the following evaluation policies:

1 - Recording of the study receipt via online submission system.

2 - Evaluation of compliance with the Journal's Standards by the Editorial Team.

2.1 - If there are corrections to be made, the Editorial Team will send the authors a request accompanied by a form with the items that need to be revised/corrected.

2.2 - If the study submitted does not meet the minimum criteria specified in the Journal's Norms, it will be returned to the authors with the appropriate justification for the return.

3 - Referral for peer review. 

a) Evaluate if the study presents an original and unpublished contribution to its specific field of research;

b) Consider whether the study necessarily falls within the journal's editorial line;

c) Evaluate the originality of the subject or the treatment given to it, as well as the consistency and rigor of the theoretical-methodological approach;

d) Present language correction;

e) Meet ABNT standards for citation, bibliographic references, abstract, among others;

 4 - Analysis and comparison of opinions:

4.1 - Articles or reviews with favorable opinions (unrestricted or restricted approval) are sent to the Editorial Team coordinator, who will then send the author(s) the opinions and requests for corrections indicated by the respective peers.

4.2 - Articles and/or interviews with one favorable opinion and one unfavorable opinion (one approval and one rejection) are sent to a third peer to come to a decision.

4.3 - Articles with two unfavorable opinions (rejected) will be immediately rejected.

4.4 - Final acceptance and scheduling of the article's publication, experience report or interview will occur only after receiving the corrected text (if required) by the Editorial Team.


I - Submitted articles are evaluated by academic peers, to which anonymity is guaranteed (double blind review).

II - The journal uses a plagiarism control system for the submitted articles. The articles are subjected to plagiarism control software during the preliminary assessment process prior to submission for evaluation.

III - The Journal is edited with resources from the Santa Catarina State University and there is NO CHARGES for submission, evaluation or publication of articles.

IV - The expected average time for the evaluation process (starting from receipt up to evaluation and final approval of the article) is 4 to 12 months. In specific cases, this period may be shortened or extended.

Publication Frequency

Electronic journal with quarterly periodicity (April, August and December) since August 2019.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public leads to further global democratization of knowledge. Such access is associated with an increase in reading and citing an author's study. For more information on this approach, visit the Public Knowledge Project, a project that has developed this system in order to improve the academic and public quality of research, distributing OJS as well as other software to support the publication system of public access to academic sources.


Electronic journal with quarterly periodicity (April, August and December) since August 2018.

Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest may arise when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that, apparent or not, may influence the writing or evaluation of manuscripts. The conflict of interest may be personal, commercial, political, academic or financial.

When authors submit a manuscript, they are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced their work. Authors should recognize in the manuscript all financial support for the work and other financial or personal connections with respect to the research. The rapporteur should disclose to the editors any conflicts of interest that could influence his opinion of the manuscript and, when applicable, should declare himself unqualified to review it. If the authors do not know what may constitute a potential conflict of interest, they should contact the Journal's editorial department.
