Artist residency in the classroom: a possible experience?




artist residency, artist’s book, teaching-learning, creation processes


This article intends to reflect on the lessons learned from an Extension Project entitled “Artist Residency” - proposed by a professor of an undergraduate curricular subject, at the Institute of Humanities, at Unilab (Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-brasileira) – based on the experience of one of the invited artists from the work “Livro-mobiliário, um livro de artista” and his creation processes. Thus, its objectives are: move some places and concepts concerning the field of arts and its performances; reflect on curricular subjects as spaces that are established as processes of knowledge with the human aspect; understand about a plastic experimentation of artist residency; and to present a practice of expanding perception and coexistence between academic and non-academic communities, with artistic languages. To this end, it experimented with diversified methodologies in the form of critical debates, didactic-artistic exercises, textual productions and elaborations of works of art presented at the end of the semester by students and invited artists. The “Artist Residency”, in this perspective, in addition to being an innovative proposal, sought to contribute to the understanding of teaching-learning process in the Brazilian public university as a place of exchange and mutual sharing of knowledge. The main theoretical contributions for this text were: BASBAUM (2013), BARTHES (2003), CARRIÓN (2011), DERDYK (2013).


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Author Biographies

Ícaro Lênin Maia Malveira, Federal University of Goiás

É Professora-pesquisadora da Unilab-CE (no Instituto de Humanidades e no Mestrado Profissional em Ensino e Formação Docente) e da UFC (no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes). Pós-doutora em Artes (UFMG). 

Jo A-mi, University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony

É Professora-pesquisadora da Unilab-CE (no Instituto de Humanidades e no Mestrado Profissional em Ensino e Formação Docente) e da UFC (no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes). Pós-doutora em Artes (UFMG), trabalha com pesquisas que atravessam estudos em Arte Visual, Gênero, Literatura/Poética/Escrita, Arte-Educação. É coordenadora do ATELIÊ (Grupo de Pesquisa e Estudos Interartes, da Unilab) e do TEIA (Laboratório Transdisciplinar de Escritas em/com Artes, da UFC). Enquanto Artista Visual, tem vivenciado experiências com Literatura, Pintura, Fotografia, Desenho e Audiovisual; como escritora, publicou os livros Pela Impermanência (2018) e Cor Adormecida (2012). Site:


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How to Cite

MALVEIRA, Ícaro Lênin Maia; A-MI, Jo. Artist residency in the classroom: a possible experience?. Revista Apotheke, Florianópolis, v. 10, n. 1, p. 137–155, 2024. DOI: 10.5965/244712671012024137. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.