#aquareladudi: interview with Dudi Maia Rosa





watercolour painting, contemporary art, Dudi Maia Rosa


It is an interview with Dudi Maia Rosa (São Paulo, 1946) about his consistent production of watercolour paintings throughout his career. Dudi Maia Rosa reflects on the intimate, liberating and autobiographical aspects of this technique in his artistic practice.



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Author Biography

Daniela Vicentini, UDESC - Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina - Programa de Pós Graduação em Artes Visuais

Doctoral student in the research line in Contemporary Artistic Processes at UDESC. She graduated in Painting from the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (EMBAP, 1995); she earned a master's degree in Social History of Culture, at PUC-Rio, in 2000. She published, with two other authors, “Tríptico à Iberê” (Cosac Naify, 2010) and, in partnership with Fernando Burjato, “Brazilian art in the collections of Curitiba” (Segesta, 2010). Participates in the Research Group “Articulações Poéticas”, UDESC, investigates concepts of nature and performs works in walks, watercolors, writings and collaborative processes.


COSTA, Oswaldo Corrêa da. Dudi Maia Rosa e as mortes da pintura. São Paulo: Metalivros, 2005.

GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von. A metamorfose das plantas. São Paulo: Edipro, 2019.

GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von. Doutrina das cores. São Paulo: Nova Alexandria, 1993.

NAVES, Rodrigo. Dudi Maia Rosa: a alegria luminosa da matéria. In: GALERIA MILLAN. Vrido. Fôlder. São Paulo, 2016.

#aquareladudi. Instagram. Disponível em: <https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/aquareladudi/>. Acesso em: 20/08/2021.

DUDI Maia Rosa. Verbete da Wikipédia. Disponível em: <https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dudi_Maia_Rosa>. Acesso em: 20/08/2021.

DUDI Maia Rosa. Galeria Millan. Disponível em: <http://www.galeriamillan.com.br/artistas/dudi-maia-rosa>. Acesso em: 20/08/2021.



How to Cite

VICENTINI, Daniela. #aquareladudi: interview with Dudi Maia Rosa. Revista Apotheke, Florianópolis, v. 7, n. 3, 2022. DOI: 10.5965/24471267732021179. Disponível em: https://periodicos.udesc.br/index.php/apotheke/article/view/21174. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.