John Dewey




Experience; John Dewey; Education; A/r/tography; Photo Pairs.


Proposing experiences beyond the spaces of educational institutions can bring unique and very significant experiences for students and teachers, whether in Higher Education or Basic Education. The experience we refer to here, as highlighted by John Dewey (2010, 1979a, 1979b, 1978), deals with ways of experiencing moments and situations that are, at the same time, singular and plural, collective constructions of very webs of ideas and thoughts, in addition to the disciplinary and content experiences present in schools and higher education institutions. Based on these premises, this article approaches different moments of aesthetic experiences in the educational context, carried out in public spaces in São Paulo, with undergraduate students in Pedagogy and Physical Education and also from a graduate program, and in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul, with educators from a riverside schools. The writing of the text dialogues with photo pairs under the theoretical foundation of Ricardo Marín Viadel, Joaquin Roldán and Rafaèle Genet (2017), as a concept arising from a/r/tography, which places authors as creators, teachers and researchers in methodologies that are based in art.


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Author Biographies

Mirian Celeste Martins, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Pesquisadora e arte/educadora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, Arte e História da Cultura e do Curso de Pedagogia na Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie onde coordena os Grupos de Pesquisa: Arte na Pedagogia/GPAP) e Mediação cultural: contaminações e provocações estéticas/GPeMC. Membro do Conselho Mundial para América Latina da InSEA – Internationa Society of Education through Art. Foi professora do Instituto de Artes/Unesp. Publicou livros e inúmeros artigos. Tem formação em Artes Visuais com doutorado pela Faculdade de Educação/USP (1999) e mestrado pela Escola de Comunicações e Artes - ECA/USP (1992).;

Renata Queiroz de Moraes Americano, Presbiterian University Mackenzie

Doctoral Student, Master in Education, Art, History and Culture at Mackenzie University with research on Deconstruction Movements: the Formation of Teachers and Teachers/Coordinators and Coordinators of Basic Education. Pedagogue, graduated in School Supervision at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). Postgraduate in Management and Curriculum of Early Childhood Education and Early Grades of Elementary School at Instituto Singularidades. Researcher at the Art in Pedagogy Research Group (GPAP). and the Educational Environments Education Project: initial teacher training beyond the school. Over the course of more than twenty-five years, at Escola Viva SP, she developed a career as a teacher in Early Childhood Education, as Pedagogical Deputy Director for the 2nd to 7th grade of Elementary School. She was a professor of the Postgraduate Course Abordagem Educativa Reggio Emilia, of extension courses and of the undergraduate course in Pedagogy at Instituto Singularidades. She is a pedagogical advisor at Acaia Pantanal. Member of Casa Lebre, Cultural Space (Bragança Paulista -SP). She also works coordinating and teaching classes for directors, coordinators and teachers in several cities in Brazil.

Mário Fernandes Ramires, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Historian, pedagogue, master in cultural history and doctoral candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Education, Art and History of Culture, at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – UPM, in which he develops a research on the use of images in Final Papers made by Pedagogy students. He works as a teacher in basic education, in higher degree courses and in postgraduate courses in education.


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How to Cite

MARTINS, Mirian Celeste; AMERICANO, Renata Queiroz de Moraes; RAMIRES, Mário Fernandes. John Dewey. Revista Apotheke, Florianópolis, v. 7, n. 2, 2021. DOI: 10.5965/24471267722021044. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.