A contribuição de um periódico inglês para divulgação de violonistas brasileiros e seus repertórios nas décadas 1950-1970





revista Guitar News, violão clássico, análise documental, periódicos


Through the information published by the English magazine Guitar News, this article attempts to expose an external view on Brazilian guitar performers and composers, in order to have an overview from the perspective of an international media between the 1950s and 1970s, based on a descriptive documentary research. The information described by the journal displays a kind of prejudice against instrument practices which are not seen as "classical", which seems to influence the selection of the published materials. Therefore, we try to compare each performer's published repertoire and, through a mapping survey, to analyze quantitatively the nationalities of the composers of the works presented, considering Europe, Brazil and other Latin American countries, in order to understand the possible motivations for the publication of each article. In the introductory section, we present tables with all the editions featuring Brazilian names, in addition to those that were published in the front cover.


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Author Biographies

Caio Cezar Braga Bressan, State University of Maringá

Mestre em música na linha de pesquisa de práticas interpretativas pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Graduado em Música pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Leciona a disciplina Arte no ensino regular da prefeitura municipal de Campo Grande e é professor de violão. Atualmente faz parte do grupo de pesquisa intitulado Os Problemas da Interpretação da Universidade Estadual de Maringá.

Flávio Apro, State University of Maringá

Professor Visitante na Universidade de Szeged, Hungria. Pós-Doutor pela California State University, EUA. Concertista internacional. Professor efetivo da Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Atua nas seguintes linhas de pesquisa: História, Estrutura e Estilo na Música; Fenomenologia; Hermenêutica.


A VISIT to Brazil. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 23, p. 8, fev./mar., 1955.

ANTONIO Carlos Barbosa-Lima Recital and Gramophone Record. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 48, p. 11, mai./jun., 1959.

ANTONIO Carlos Barbosa-Lima. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 105, p. 26, set./out., 1969.

BARBOSA-LIMA. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 104, p. 23, jun./ago., 1969.

BRAZIL Radio and Press. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 54, p. 16, jul./ago., 1960.

BRAZIL Radio and Press. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 61, p. 11, set./out., 1961.

BRAZIL. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 22, p. 15, dez./jan., 1954 - 1955.

BRAZILIAN Activities. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 16, p. 13, dez./jan., 1953 - 1954.

BRAZILIAN Guitar Sextet. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 74, p. 3, nov./dez., 1963.

BRAZILIAN Guitarrist. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 69, p. 33, jan./fev., 1963.

CARLOS Barbosa Lima. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 78, p. 17, jul./ago., 1964.

CARLOS Barbosa Lima. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 99, p. 43, jun./ago., 1968.

CARLOS Barbosa-Lima. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 118, p. 20, out./dez., 1972.

CELLARD, A. A Pesquisa Documental. In: POUPART, J. et al. A pesquisa qualitativa: enfoques epistemológicos e metodológicos. Petrópolis, Vozes, 2008.

GOLDEN Jubilee – Isaias Savio. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 89, p. 31, mai./ago., 1966.

GUITAR Concerts in Brazil. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 20, p. 8, ago./set., 1954.

HEITOR Villa-Lobos. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 50, p. 10, mar./abr., 1960.

ISAIAS Savio Honoured. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 82, p. 9, mar./abr., 1965.

ISAIAS Savio Lecturing on “Francisco Tarrega” at São Paulo, Brazil. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 50, p. 9, mai./jun., 1960.

ISAIAS Savio. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 46, p. 5, jan./fev., 1959.

JODACIL Damaceno. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 88, p. 34, mar./abr., 1966.

LÍVIA São Marcos. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 50, p. 21, out./nov/dez., 1959.

MARIA Lívia São Marcos. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 32, p. 5, ago./set., 1956.

MARIA Lívia São Marcos. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 98, p. 13, mar./mai., 1968.

MORE About Choro. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 45, p. 12, nov./dez., 1958.

MORE About Turibio Santos. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 70, p. 17, mar./abr., 1963.

NEW Villa-Lobos Guitar Work. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 68, p. 3, nov./dez., 1962.

NEWS from Brazil. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 36, p. 33, abr./mai., 1957.

OLGA Coelho and Folk Songs. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 76, p. 12, mar./abr., 1964.

OLGA Coelho in Britain. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 11, p. 10, fev./mar., 1953.

OLGA Coelho. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 49, p. 3, jul./ago., 1959.

OLGA Coelho. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 56, p. 16, nov./dez., 1960.

OURSELVES – and the guitar. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 1, p. 1, jun./jul., 1951.

RECITAL in São Paulo. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 33, p. 6, out./nov., 1956.

RECITALS in Brazil. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 10, p. 13, dez./jan., 1952 - 1953.

RECITALS in Brazil. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 27, p. 23, out./nov., 1955.

RONOEL Simões. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 28, p. 8, dez./jan., 1955 - 1956.

RONOEL Simões. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 78, p. 3, jul./ago., 1964.

RONOEL Simões. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 116, p. 18, abr./jun., 1972.

SERGIO and Eduardo Abreu. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 94, p. 20, jun./ago., 1967.

SERGIO and Eduardo Abreu. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 100, p. 20, set./out., 1968.

SERGIO and Eduardo Abreu. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 106, p. 15, nov./dez., 1969.

SERGIO and Eduardo Abreu. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 110, p. 18, out./dez., 1970.

SERGIO and Eduardo Abreu. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 117, p. 16, jul./set., 1972.

SILVER Trophy in Brazil. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 60, p. 7, jul./ago., 1961.

THE GUITAR in Brazil. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 60, p. 7, ago./set., 1953.

TURIBIO Santos. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 87, p. 15, jan./fev., 1966.

TURIBIO Santos. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 97, p. 11, jan./fev., 1968.

TURIBIO Santos. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 111, p. 19, jan./mar. 1971.

VILLA-LOBOS Week – November 1962. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 72, p. 3 jul./ago., 1963.

VILLA-LOBOS Week. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 64, p. 3, mar./abr., 1962.

WHY ‘classic’?. Guitar News: the official organ of the classic guitar association, Inglaterra, n. 1, p. 2, jun./jul., 1951.



How to Cite

BRESSAN, Caio Cezar Braga; APRO, Flávio. A contribuição de um periódico inglês para divulgação de violonistas brasileiros e seus repertórios nas décadas 1950-1970. Orfeu, Florianópolis, v. 8, n. 2, p. e0210, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/2525530408022023e0210. Disponível em: https://periodicos.udesc.br/index.php/orfeu/article/view/24344. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.