Puppet knowledge and the life of the puppeteer


  • John Bell University of Connecticut (USA)




How does one learn to become a puppeteer in a time when traditional forms seem outmoded, and new forms lack tradition? John Bell explores his own learning experiences with Peter Schumann's American troupe Bread & Puppet Theater, which combines avant-garde methods of invention with a strong respect for tradition, and explains how he combines both approaches in his own teaching, which wants to incorporate extensive knowledge of past practices of puppetry with an open approach to inventing new techniques with old and new forms of performing objects.

Keywords: Puppetry. Education. Bread & Puppet Theater. Performing Objects.


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Biographie de l'auteur

John Bell, University of Connecticut (USA)

Ph.D. em História do Teatro pela Universidade de Columbia.
Diretor da Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry e Professor associado de Artes Dramáticas na Universidade de Connecticut. Membro fundador da Great Small Works Theatre Company; foi membro da Bread and Puppet Theatre Company entre 1976 e 1986. Escreveu livros importantes na área de teatro de animação.




Comment citer

BELL, John. Puppet knowledge and the life of the puppeteer. Móin-Móin - Revista de Estudos sobre Teatro de Formas Animadas, Florianópolis, v. 2, n. 14, p. 176–185, 2018. DOI: 10.5965/2595034702142015176. Disponível em: https://periodicos.udesc.br/index.php/moin/article/view/1059652595034702142015176. Acesso em: 1 janv. 2025.