Documentary Objects Theater and post catastrophe Objects: the dramaturgical creation of the film The Invisibles




Material culture, Object, memory, catastrophe, Documentary objects theater


During the research on the documentary objects for the film The invisibles, held in March 2021, was raised a material overview of the reminiscences related to the climatic catastrophe that occurred in the Mountain region of Rio de Janeiro in 2011, that is the central theme of the film. The article brings reflections on the experiences lived in the creation process of the film's dramaturgy, which specifically encompass categories of objects that are related to the Mountain catastrophe. The article is divided into sections that reflect the relevance of the study groups carried out with residents of the Mountain region and the relationship of objects and their memories.


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Author Biography

Vanessa dos Santos Dias, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Vanessa Dias é niteroiense (RJ), atua nas áreas do Teatro como atriz, pesquisadora, educadora e bonequeira. Formada como atriz pela Escola de Teatro Martins Penna, formada como educadora em Artes Cênicas na UNIRIO. É integrante há 9 anos da premiada cia Amok Teatro, grupo de 24 anos de intensa pesquisa no Rio de Janeiro e da Companhia Les Trois Clès (Brasil-França). Foi contemplada pelo edital Retomada Cultural-RJ (2020) ao idealizar o espetáculo Circo-Teatro Estrela Prateada.


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How to Cite

DIAS, Vanessa dos Santos. Documentary Objects Theater and post catastrophe Objects: the dramaturgical creation of the film The Invisibles. Móin-Móin Magazine - Studies in the Art of Puppetry, Florianópolis, v. 2, n. 25, p. 121–138, 2021. DOI: 10.5965/2595034702252021121. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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