Puppetry research: between worlds


  • Cariad Astles London University




This article provides an overview of contemporary concerns within puppet
theatre, including the importance of practice as research, autobiographical work and extensions of rehearsal techniques and processes; interdisciplinary contexts for puppetry, applied puppetry and the widening perspectives of intercultural studies, including the need for more detailed analyses of non-European forms. The article also highlights the role of the UNIMA Research Commission in pursuing the objectives of contemporary puppetry research.

Keywords: Puppetry. Research. Interdisciplinary.


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Author Biography

Cariad Astles, London University

PhD com pesquisa sobre carnaval e teatro de bonecos popular pela Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Mestre com pesquisa em Performance e Cultura pela Universidade de Londres. Presidente da Comissão de Pesquisa da União Internacional da Marionete – Unima. Diretora do Bacharelado em Teatro de Marionetes do Royal Centre School of Speech and Theatre, Universidade de Londres, desde 2006. É professora de Teatro e Atuação nas universidades de Exeter e de Plymouth, Inglaterra. Atua como titeriteira, atriz e ministrante de oficinas.



How to Cite

ASTLES, Cariad. Puppetry research: between worlds. Móin-Móin Magazine - Studies in the Art of Puppetry, Florianópolis, v. 2, n. 16, p. 070–077, 2018. DOI: 10.5965/2595034702162016070. Disponível em: https://periodicos.udesc.br/index.php/moin/article/view/1059652595034702162016070. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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