Sarau Janelas Floridas: (re)existences in education and art
public education, art, experience, event and narrativeAbstract
We take the path of Janelas Floridas from the competition to Sarau de (Re)existence Janelas Floridas to show the strength of art as a provocative element and intensifying the power of struggle for Public Education with everyday school life against the gentrification processes of urban spaces. What can joy, play and aesthetic affections do against annihilation by capital? Sarau Janelas Floridas appears in the adventure of this answer, as it uses art and affection to strengthen the fight against the construction of a Shopping that threatens the physical structure and existence of EM Dr. Álvaro Alberto, always Regional de Meriti and, in popular memory, always Escola Mate com Angu. Expression of the voices and experiences of the school and other civil society actors that come together in a scream, a cry, a laugh, in the powerful explosion of joy. Affirming Sarau Janelas Floridas as an experience is possible through the path of singularization that its movement has designed. Born from the mobilization of education and art and managing different instances, subjects and institutions and welcomed by the school community as a movement, Sarau is produced as an event. We take, in the action plan, experience according to Dewey, when affirming the aesthetic way as the realization of an existential tension, as an act carried out and consummated of actions and perceptions that allow a singularity: that event, that day that is not lost in the dispersion of flows of the lived. In terms of reflections, we turn to Benjamin and his concept of experience as a political constitution and the act of telling his story is doing it again and listening to the narrative, the act of incorporating a new way out, an escape, into the living being's repertoire, a
a porosity.
Keywords: Public Education, art, experience, event and narrative
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