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Author Guidelines

1 DIMENSION OF THE TEXT Texts can be forwarded to Revista Linhas for the sections available in "Section Norms". 2 FORWARDING Texts should be forwarded in Word format (version 6.0 or above) for Windows, in "Online Submissions". In the item "Complementary Documents" a cover page should be submitted with the complete title, name of the author, position in the institution where they work, postal address, e-mail and contact numbers (include an e-mail that can be published with the article). These details should appear in this item to ensure anonymity during the article review process. The first page of the text should include the title of the article and should omit the name of the author and their place of work. The texts will be accepted for appreciation as long as they are unpublished and have not been forwarded to other periodicals. 3 LANGUAGE Articles can be sent in the original language, but in this case, they should contain the title(s), abstract and key words in Portuguese and English. 4 FORMAT Texts should be configured as A4 paper (297 X 210 mm), with interlinear spacing of 1.5 cm, all margins with 2.5 cm. They should be typed in Times New Roman, size 12. 5 NORMALIZATION You should adhere to the following sequence: 5.1 Title of the Article The title of the articles (in the original language, in Portuguese and English) should be centralised, Times New Roman, bold, size 14 with simple spacing. 5.2 Subtitle of the Article Subtitles of the articles (in the original language, in Portuguese and English) should be centralised, Times New Roman, bold, size 12 with simple spacing. 5.3 Full Name of the Author(s) Full name of the author(s), their credentials and workplace, including the address, telephone and contact e-mail (e-mail should also be published) in Times New Roman, size 12 with simple spacing. 5.4 Abstract Original language, in Portuguese and English, respectively, should be aligned (justified), Times New Roman, size 10, with a maximum of 250 words and simple interlinear spacing. 5.5 Key words In the original language, in Portuguese and English respectively should be aligned (justified), Times New Roman, size 10, and contain a maximum of 7 words, with simple interlinear spacing. 5.6 Textual Elements a) Text – Body of the text structured into: introduction, development and conclusion. If, mainly in the case of a research project, the objective and methodological procedures should be reported, special care should be given to the bibliographical foundation of the text, strictly following one single standard of quotes in the text and, finally, list the Bibliographical References. In the case of division into sections, it should be numbered using the system of progressive numbering. The quotes in the text should be made according to NBR 10520 – ABNT. The text should be presented using Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 cm spacing between the lines. b) Support Elements – notes, quotes, tables, frames, photographs, etc. should be limited to the essential. They should be numbered in the order they are inserted into the text. They should be presented clearly in the insertion space. c) Quotes and References – NBR-10520 of August 2002. The short literal quotes should be integrated to the paragraph, placed in inverted commas and followed by the surname of the author of the related text (all in upper case), year of publication and page or pages of the text quoted, between brackets (AUTHOR’S SURNAME, year, p. xx-xx). When the author in question integrates a phrase, only the year and page should be placed between brackets, e.g. Author (year, p. xx). The name of the author will be, in this case, in upper and lower case. Quotes of more than three lines should be highlighted in the text in a special paragraph with a space between the beginning and the end, (“indented”), 4 cm inside the left margin and font 11. The references without literal quotes should be incorporated into the text, between brackets, indicating the surname of the author and the year of publication (AUTHOR, year). Highlights in general should be made with inverted commas, not using bold or underline. d) Bibliographical References: at the end of the text all of the bibliographical references stated in the text should be included, according to NBR-6023 of August 2002, according to the examples given below: 1 Book with only one author: SURNAME, Name. Title in italics. Edition. Place of edition: Publisher, year of edition, number of pages. 2 Book with two authors: SURNAME, Name and SURNAME, Name. Ditto example 1. 3 Book with three authors: SURNAME, Name, SURNAME, Name and SURNAME, Name. Ditto example 1. 4 Book with more than three authors: SURNAME, Name et al. Ditto example 1. 5 Articles in Books: SURNAME, Name. Title of the article. In: SURNAME, Name (ed./org.), Title of the book in italics. Ditto example 1. 6 Articles in Magazines: SURNAME, Name. Title of the article without inverted commas or italics. Name of the Magazine in italics. Place, date, volume, number, page(s). 7 Essays and Theses: SURNAME, Name. Title of the essay or thesis. Master’s/Doctorate Essay/Thesis on xxx date, number of pages, area. Name of the Institution (College, University). Place, date. 8 Articles in newspapers: SURNAME, Name. Title of the article without inverted commas or italics. Name of the newspaper in italics. Place, date (day, month and year), Section, page(s). 9 In electronic media: SURNAME, Name. Title of the article without inverted commas or italics. Available on: Access on: day, month and year. 6 SECTION POLICIES Article Comprises texts that contain complete reports of concluded studies or surveys. Contributions destined to disclose unpublished survey results. Critical abstract of knowledge available about a certain theme, through the analysis and interpretation of pertinent bibliography. Maximum of 25 standard pages. Review Comprises the critical analysis of books, periodicals, essays and theses. Maximum of 03 standard pages. Communication of Texts or Surveys in Progress Brief reports about a current and relevant theme. Summarised information of surveys carried out (essays, theses and other documents). Maximum of 05 standard pages. IDEOLOGICAL RESPONSIBILITY The articles whose authors are identified represent the expressed opinion of its authors and not the official position of Revista Linhas or of the Postgraduate Program in Education of FAED/UDESC.

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