Assistive technology in geriatric palliative care




Assistive Technology, Healthcare Professionals, Palliative Care, Elderly


The study's objective was to assess the knowledge and practices of healthcare professionals regarding the use of Assistive Technology with elderly patients in Palliative Care. It was a qualitative descriptive cross-sectional survey, using an open and semi-structured interview guide. The results indicate a patient-centered approach and individualized treatment plans for improving the quality of life in the palliative care process. The use of Assistive Technology as a care strategy proved to be effective, ensuring a humanized and tailored assistance to meet each patient's needs.


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Author Biographies

Thalita Andrade Berlandi, State University of Campinas

Physiotherapist and Specialist in Gerontology from the Albert Einstein Israelite Institute of Education and Research. Master's student in Health, Interdisciplinarity and Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Unicamp.

Ana Claudia Fernandes, State University of Campinas

Speech therapist from the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Unicamp. Master and PhD in Health, Interdisciplinarity and Rehabilitation from the same institution. Areas of interest: speech therapy, visual impairment, accessibility and assistive technology.

Rita de Cassia Ietto Montilha, State University of Campinas

Occupational therapist from PUCCAMP. Specialist in Medical Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology of Adolescence; Master and PhD in Medical Sciences and Associate Professor in the area of Human Development, Health, Culture and Society at Unicamp. Professor of the Speech Therapy Course and the Postgraduate Health, Interdisciplinary and Rehabilitation Course, Unicamp.


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How to Cite

BERLANDI, Thalita Andrade; FERNANDES, Ana Claudia; MONTILHA, Rita de Cassia Ietto. Assistive technology in geriatric palliative care. Human Factors in Design, Florianópolis, v. 12, n. 24, p. 094–103, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/2316796312242023094. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.