A proposal for a mechanical solution for wheelchair transfers focusing on the demands of elderly users





wheelchair, eldery, transfer


The transfer maneuver is an activity performed in the routine of wheelchair users; however, many users may have difficulty doing it safely and independently. This work reports the development of a proposal to assist transfers, focusing on the needs of the elderly public. Based on an integrated methodology, users and health professionals are evaluated, studying discomfort when transferring from a wheelchair. As a result, a proposed solution for different types of wheelchairs is structured. The project contributed to helping the personal mobility of the elderly, addressing various transfer interfaces.


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Author Biographies

Ana Beatriz Ferreira Cardim, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)

Studying Mechanical Engineering at Unesp Bauru with technical training in Electronics at Colégio Técnico Unesp Bauru. BAEIII Scholarship from the Advanced Product Development Center - CADEP UNESP. Participant of the FAAC-UNESP Undergraduate and Postgraduate Assistive Technology Research Group. Advisor at Empresa Júnior Pro Junior, in the area of Technology and Innovation. Leadership of the Expansion of the Junior Enterprise Movement in the West of São Paulo. Participant of the Enactus Unesp Bauru social project. Carrying out Scientific Initiation in 2022/2023 in the area of Assistive Technology, developing a mechanical solution for wheelchair transfer to the demands of the elderly population. Between 2020 and 2021, a Scientific Initiation was carried out in the area of Electrical Engineering with a focus on Robotics. Experience in programming in C++, Python, Ruby and Assembly languages. Aptitude with a diploma in Arduino IDE and IOT. Advanced English course at Influx Bauru school. Studying proficiency in Mandarin at the Confucius Institute.

Fausto Orsi Medola, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)

Associate Professor of the Department of Design and Postgraduate Program in Design - FAAC/UNESP, Bauru campus. He is a Lecturer in Assistive Technology, Master and PhD in Sciences from the Interunits Bioengineering Postgraduate Program - EESC/FMRP/IQSC - USP, with a sandwich doctorate internship at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. He has a degree in Physiotherapy from the State University of Londrina. Associate of the Brazilian Society of Gerontechnology (SBGTec) having been a member of the board of directors of SBGTec between 2020 and 2022. He is the leader of the Design and Assistive Technology Research Group and carries out research in the areas of Industrial Design, Product Design and Ergonomics, working mainly on the topics : Assistive Technology, Ergonomics, Biomechanics, Wheelchair, Rehabilitation Engineering, Accessibility and Inclusive Design.


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How to Cite

CARDIM, Ana Beatriz Ferreira; MEDOLA, Fausto Orsi. A proposal for a mechanical solution for wheelchair transfers focusing on the demands of elderly users. Human Factors in Design, Florianópolis, v. 12, n. 24, p. 194–202, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/2316796312242023194. Disponível em: https://periodicos.udesc.br/index.php/hfd/article/view/24581. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.