Disabled pregnant women: overview of pre-delivery care available in Brazil and worldwide





disabled pregnant women, pre-delivery preparation, maternity, deficiency, health care


The experiences lived during pregnancy can influence the quality of motherhood. When it comes to pregnant women with disabilities, the challenges are even greater. This study aimed to identify, through a systematic search, studies on the practices of aid and support for the preparation of disabled pregnant women and health professionals related to childbirth, in order to establish a picture of the current situation of how these women are being supported in Brazil and in the world. As a result, it was found that most studies report the experiences of both disabled pregnant women and health professionals, the needs of both in relation to their interactions, and few are discussed about solutions for these needs, demonstrating the relevance of this discussion.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Colin Stelzner, Santa Catarina State University

Master's degree in Design - Ergonomics and Human Factors in the Postgraduate Program in Design at the University of the State of Santa Catarina (UDESC). Architect and urban planner with a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and academic exchange at the Polytechnic University of Madrid- Spain (UPM ETSAM). Fluent English and Spanish. Research grant from the group PET / ARQ - UFSC for two and a half years in which they are investigated on the themes of Urban Landscape (2009), Urban Morphology (2011). Participation and awards in design competitions.

Milton José Cinelli, Santa Catarina State University

Possui graduação em Física Bacharelado pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (1989), mestrado em Física pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (1992) e doutorado em Chimie Physique Option Matériaux - Université de Limoges - França (1996). Professor Associado e Professor Permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design na linha Interfaces e Interações Físicas da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina. Tem experiência na área de Física, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Tecnologias Assistivas, Metrologia, Técnicas Gerais de Laboratório, Sistemas de Instrumentações ópticos. Coordenador de Pesquisa Institucional da UDESC 2010-2016. Atuou como pesquisador/inventor no projeto de desenvolvimento da bengala eletrônica que culminou com a obtenção da patente, marca e desenho industrial. É um dos inventores do sistema de código de cores em revelo para percepção tátil destinado às pessoas cegas, baixa visão e daltônicos, concessão 10/01/2023, com sublicenciamento industrial para empresa SEE COLOR.


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How to Cite

COLIN STELZNER, Mariana; CINELLI, Milton José. Disabled pregnant women: overview of pre-delivery care available in Brazil and worldwide. Human Factors in Design, Florianópolis, v. 13, n. 25, p. 003–016, 2024. DOI: 10.5965/2316796313252024003. Disponível em: https://periodicos.udesc.br/index.php/hfd/article/view/20558. Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.