Shaping Paths – the unlikely encounter with ancestry through Ceramics




ceramics, ancestry, memory


This article is a report/record of the process of an improbable meeting with ancestry that emerged during ceramics workshops held in Cambé, Paraná, in the year 2021. The workshop actions triggered a series of reflections on my own ancestry. Therefore, seeking to respond to these concerns, I relied on two authors who think and reflect on memory, which are: Michael Pollak and Achille Mbembe. The first one contributes with its discussion about the concepts of “underground memories” and “inherited memory”. The second, in turn, opposes the idea of ​​underground and official memory, conceiving the idea that the power of memory is not in narrating a reliable story, but in its fabulation movement. Other theorists who contribute to the discussion are also mentioned, as well as artists who, in one way or another, address these questions in their works.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Rodrigues Aulicino, Londrina State University

Professor Adjunto no curso de Artes Visuais da UEL. Doutorado em Artes pela UNICAMP (2007). Graduação em Artes Plásticas pela USP (1995).

Edson Luiz da Silva Vieira, Londrina State University

Mestre em Comunicação Visual (2010) e Especialista em Fotografia (2003) pela UEL. É professor assistente na Universidade Estadual de Londrina.

Tayla Silla, Londrina State University

Graduada em artes visuais pela UEL (2018). Pós Graduanda na especialização (Ações poéticas e educacionais na contemporaneidade) UEL (2023).


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UMA HISTÓRIA DE AMOR E FÚRIA. Direção e Roteiro: Luiz Bolognesi. Produção: Fabiano Gullane, Caio Gullane, Luiz Bolognesi, Laís Bodanzky, Marcos Barreto, Debora Ivanov e Gabriel Lacerda. Elenco: Selton Mello, Camila Pitanga, Rodrigo Santoro. Brasil: Buriti filmes e Gullane, 2013. Disponível em: <> . Acesso em 10 de fevereiro de 2023.



How to Cite

AULICINO, Marcos Rodrigues; VIEIRA, Edson Luiz da Silva; SILLA, Tayla. Shaping Paths – the unlikely encounter with ancestry through Ceramics. Revista Apotheke, Florianópolis, v. 9, n. 2, p. 034–050, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/24471267922023034. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.