Call for publication in the Thematic Dossier Supervised Internship in Visual Arts: poetics and teaching research


Supervised Internship in Visual Arts: poetics and teaching research


Revista Apotheke will address in this dossier the theme "Supervised Internship in Visual Arts: poetics and teaching research". This volume seeks to debate the Internship as a research field in the initial formation, as well as to discuss this space as a power for the exercise of teaching thought and poetic practice.

We understand that the discipline of Supervised Internship does not only comprehend performances in school environments, but a theoretical relationship about being a teacher also developed in the university classroom, this relationship is what enables the exercise of thinking-doing-thinking.

In this volume, we invite everyone to present research where the articulation between theory and teaching practice is evidenced, realizing the singularities of the Curricular Internships that are located in the Visual Arts territory.


Organizers: Prof. Doctor Fábio Wosniak and Professora Tharciana Goulart da Silva

Editors: Profa Dra Jociele Lampert and Prof Dr Fábio Wosniak

Image: Bruno Novaes, Desenho Livre, 2020.