Caroline Sulzbach Pletsch
Head Publisher of the Journal
PhD in Accounting and Administration from FURB (2021).
Santa Catarina State University, UDESC, Brazil.
Availability: https://doi.org/10.5965/2764747111212022000
Submission date: November 28, 2022.
Approval date: November 28, 2022.
Issue: Vol. 11, No. 21, Dec. 2022
The Brazilian Journal of Accounting and Management (Revista Brasileira de
Contabilidade e Gestão RBC&G) was founded in 2012, under the name of Revista Eletrônica
do Alto Vale do Itajaí (REAVI), and is an official publication of the Accounting Sciences
department of the Alto Vale do Itajaí Higher Education Center (UDESC Alto Vale), of the
University of the State Santa Catarina (UDESC), under the supervision of the Head of
Postgraduate and Research of UDESC Alto Vale.
RBC&G has the mission of disseminating knowledge in the areas of Accounting and
Administration by publishing original research with different methodologies applied to the
respective areas, with the author being exclusively, legally, and administratively responsible
for this condition, as well as for any violation of the Copyright Law.
In recent months, the Department of Accounting Sciences of UDESC Alto Vale has
been proposing many improvements in its scientific journal. In June, we published the first
edition of the journal according to the new regulation, with documents in two languages
(Portuguese and English) and citations and references according to APA standards. The journal
is divided into the Management and Controlling, Financial, Capital and Financial Markets,
Public, and Accountability and Management Education. The journal’s regulations were revised
to meet the new changes and an Editorial Process Manual was created. An editorial team was
structured, composed of head publisher, assistant publisher, secretary, associate publishers for
each area of the journal, and a Scientific Publishing Committee composed of researchers from
universities from the different regions of Brazil. The evaluating staff has been revised. The
journal’s page was updated with an original cover and a layout of articles with its own identity
was elaborated. It is important to point out that the entire process of article submission and
processing is completely free of charge to the authors.
This is the first edition to be published with all the improvements mentioned above. I
take the opportunity to thank the authors who submitted articles to the journal and congratulate
those whose works, listed below, are published in this issue:
- The Perception of Bank Managers from a Municipality in the State of Pará on the
Internal Control in the Management of Socio-environmental Risk
- Self-regulation, Motivation, and Quality of Life of Accounting Students in Remote
- Determinants of Cost Management in Micro and Small Enterprises
- Usability and Budget Functions in the Perception of Managers of a Metal-
mechanical Business Company.
I wish you all a good read!