Self-regulation, motivation and quality of life of
Accounting students in remote education
Nágila Giovanna Silva Vilela
PhD in Business Administration from USP.
College of Business Administration and Economic Sciences,
FACEC, Brazil.
Beatriz Negrelli da Silva
Master in Accounting by UEM.
College of Business Administration and Economic Sciences,
FACEC, Brazil.
Submission date: July 15, 2022.
Approval date: October 3, 2022.
Issue: Vol. 11, No. 21, Dec. 2022
Self-regulation, motivation and quality of life of Accounting students in remote
Objective: To analyze how the use of self-regulated learning practices, the level of motivation
in learning, and quality of life are correlated. Method: A quantitative and descriptive research
was conducted by applying a questionnaire to 217 accounting undergraduates enrolled in four
higher education institutions (HEIs) at Paraná. Results: Students reported feeling little
motivated to study during remote education due to COVID-19 and experiencing relatively high
levels of negative feelings (such as bad mood, anxiety, and/or depression). As for self-regulated
learning strategies, “self-evaluation” and “self-consequence” were, respectively, the most and
least used. Statistical correlations showed that student motivation is strongly correlated with
quality-of-life factors such as “abilityand “concentration” to study, and these, in turn, were
the items most correlated with self-regulated learning strategies. Contributions: These results
highlight the importance of increasingly stimulating autonomous learning by using teaching
approaches that promote motivation, reducing the levels of negative feelings.
Keywords: Self-Regulated Learning Strategies. COVID-19. Motivation. Quality of Life.
Autorregulação, motivação e qualidade de vida dos discentes de Ciências Contábeis no
ensino remoto
Objetivo: Analisar como o uso de práticas de aprendizagem autorregulada, o nível de
motivação em aprender e a qualidade de vida estão correlacionados. Método: Foi realizada
uma pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa e descritiva por meio da aplicação de um questionário
com 217 estudantes do curso de Ciências Contábeis de quatro instituições de ensino superior
(IES) do Paraná. Resultados: As respostas dos estudantes evidenciaram que os respondentes
se sentem pouco motivados a estudar no período de ensino remoto devido à Covid-19, além de
apresentarem níveis relativamente altos de sentimentos negativos (como mau-humor,
ansiedade e/ou depressão). Em relação às estratégias de aprendizagem autorregulada, a mais
utilizada é a “autoavaliação”, e a menos utilizada é a “autoconsequência”. Já as correlações
estatísticas evidenciam que a motivação dos discentes está fortemente correlacionada aos
fatores de qualidade de vida, como “capacidade” e “concentração” para estudar, e esses, por
sua vez, foram os itens mais correlacionados com as estratégias de aprendizagem
autorregulada. Contribuições: Com base nesses resultados, ressalta-se a importância de
estimular cada vez mais uma aprendizagem autônoma do discente, atentando-se em utilizar
abordagens de ensino que os façam sentir-se mais motivados, reduzindo os níveis de
sentimentos negativos.
Palavras-chave: Estratégias de Aprendizagem Autorregulada. Covid-19. Motivação.
Qualidade de Vida.
Autorregulación, motivación y calidad de vida de estudiantes de Contabilidad en
educación a distancia
Objetivo: Analizar cómo se correlacionan el uso de prácticas de aprendizaje autorregulado, el
nivel de motivación para aprender y la calidad de vida. Método: Se realizó una investigación
con enfoque cuantitativo y descriptivo mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario con 217
estudiantes del curso de Contabilidad de cuatro instituciones de enseñanza superior (IES) de
Paraná. Resultados: Las respuestas de los estudiantes mostraron que los encuestados se sienten
poco motivados para estudiar en el período de enseñanza a distancia debido al Covid-19,
además de tener niveles relativamente altos de sentimientos negativos (como mal humor,
ansiedad y/o depresión). En cuanto a las estrategias de autorregulación del aprendizaje, la más
utilizada es la “autoevaluación”, y la menos utilizada es la autoconsecuencia”. Las
correlaciones estadísticas muestran que la motivación de los estudiantes está fuertemente
correlacionada con factores de calidad de vida, como "capacidad" y "concentración" para
estudiar, y estos, a su vez, fueron los ítems más correlacionados con las estrategias de
autorregulación del aprendizaje. Aportes: A partir de estos resultados, es importante fomentar
un aprendizaje cada vez más autónomo por parte de los estudiantes, cuidando de utilizar
enfoques didácticos que los hagan sentir más motivados, reduciendo los niveles de sentimientos
Palabras clave: Estrategias de Aprendizaje Autorregulado. COVID-19. Motivación. Calidad
de vida.
The COVID-19 pandemic generated a global sense of threat and uncertainty (Schiff et
al., 2021). Challenges resulting from this health crisis affected both higher education
institutions (HEIs) and students, teachers, and staff (Hodges et al., 2020). This is because with
the suspension of in-person teaching activities, HEIs had to move to an “online reality”
(Moreira et al., 2020) which affected their routines and work organization. Alongside this
process, virtual environments and digital technologies have gained prominence as a way to
continue promoting learning (Santos Junior & Monteiro, 2020).
In this new educational context, teachers should guide students towards a more
autonomous learning, in which they learn how to learn (Moreira et al., 2020), a major
educational goal (Pintrich, 1999) required in several areas, including Accounting (Aguiar et
al., 2014). To do so, according to Boruchovitch (2008), self-regulated learning is needed.
Self-regulated learning can be influenced by motivation, personal resources and the
environment (Becker, 2016), as well as external social factors (Aguiar et al., 2018).
Consequently, although remote learning is a temporary option, we must consider that
adaptation to the virtual environment can be difficult for students, because, according to Santos
Junior and Monteiro (2020), their routines are modified, having to share time with other
activities. As a result, emotional impacts can occur. Further, the different socioeconomic
conditions of students interfere in effective learning, impacting, according to Borba et al.
(2020), access to technologies and the time available for their use, the study environment, the
working day, and family income. In the meantime, we can observe the impact of the student’s
quality of life during remote education due to COVID-19.
Moreover, such difficulties can leave many students unmotivated to learn. Perassinoto
et al. (2013) indicate that student motivation can contribute to the adoption of learning
strategies, such as self-regulation. We should also consider that institutions and teachers play
a vital role in student motivation (Reis et al., 2017), and is up to them, especially in this period,
to generate a virtual communication and learning structure in which students feels motivated
(Moreira et al., 2020).
Given the above, this study sought to analyze how the use of self-regulated learning
strategies, the level of motivation in learning and quality of life correlated during the COVID-
19 pandemic. To do so, we analyze the perceptions of accounting undergraduates from four
HEIs (two public and two private) in the state of Paraná.
Its relevance stems from the fact that research on Accounting education is still little
explored, as Santos et al. (2016) point out. Besides, we identified no studies that investigated
these variables in this specific context, considering that the pandemic scenario requires many
reflections, aiming at solutions to help meet the new needs of the academic community (Hodges
et al., 2020) and develop teaching and learning strategies capable of mitigating the teaching
losses due to school closures (Valente et al., 2020). From a theoretical perspective, this study
seeks to complement research on accounting education, and may imply, in a practical context,
the adoption of new pedagogical strategies and practices according to the understanding of
student learning in this context. From a practical point of view, we also highlight the possibility
of presenting alternatives to avoid a possible academic evasion from HEIs, since quality of life
can lead to difficulties in the teaching and learning process (Catunda & Ruiz, 2008). Finally,
motivation is considered a determining factor for students to “continue studying or not
(Becker, 2016, p. 2).
This article is subdivided into five sections, including this introduction. In the following
section we review the specialized literature on the theme. Next, we describe the methodological
procedures. The fourth section discusses the analysis of the results. Finally, the fifth and last
section presents the final considerations, limitations and possibilities for future studies.
Theoretical framework
Remote Education and Digital Technologies in Mediating Learning During the
With in-person classes suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some educational
institutions, via Ordinance No. 343 of March 17, 2020, which provides for the use of digital
media for the duration of the pandemic, have chosen to continue their activities using digital
technologies (Santos Junior & Monteiro, 2020), such as Skype, Google Hangouts, Zoom and
platforms such as Moodle, Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom (Moreira et al., 2020), in
a model called emergency remote education (ERE).
This new scenario demanded a rapid response from Universities, including a complete
transformation from the traditional classroom teaching model to the online environment
(Novak, Kozjak, & Perić, 2021). Novak et al. (2021) report that, in Europe, problem solving
by technical infrastructure and teacher training were crucial aspects for maintaining quality in
the teaching and learning process.
In Brazil, opinions diverged on the quality of teaching methodologies implemented by
ERE, contributing so that, as Hodges et al. (2020) point out, remote education was seen as a
weak option, given the great “temptation” of comparing it with in-person education. The issue,
however, is not to opt for one model or another; but rather the need to analyze and discuss this
unprecedented context in which it was impossible to project the resumption of in-person classes
(Arruda, 2020).
Importantly, distance education (DE) and ERE differ: DE is a model planned and
designed to be online since its inception, whereas ERE is an alternativeand temporary
teaching model proposed to provide access to educational supports and content in a “fast, easy
to set up and reliable manner” during the pandemic (Hodges et al., 2020, p. 6). Arruda (2020)
argues that implementation of alternatives for students affected by school closures, even if
conducted through digital technologies, does not constitute a distance education project.
ERE becomes relevant for maintaining the link between HEIs and students, despite
possible limitations (Arruda, 2020), being a time in which, according to Hodges et al. (2020),
one must “think outside the boxto enable solutions that can help meet the new needs of the
academic community.
Self-Regulated Learning in Accounting and the Role of Motivation and Quality of Life
By self-regulated learning strategy we mean the learners’ actions directed at acquiring
information or skills that involve agency, purpose (goals), and instrumentality self-perceptions
(Zimmerman & Pons, 1986). Moreover, self-regulated learning strategies (SRL) “is a process
that establishes the active participation of the individual” (Lima Filho et al., 2015, p. 41).
In this new educational context, a more active stance is required from students, with
Moreira et al. (2020) and Valente et al. (2020) pointing out that teachers should guide students
towards a learning experience in which they learn how to learn. Studies on self-regulated
learning in accounting are of paramount importance. International accounting bodies such as
the Accounting Education Change Commission (AECC) and the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) recommend forming professionals capable of learning
to learn, whether in in-person education or distance education (Aguiar et al., 2014).
Zimmerman and Pons (1986) developed 14 self-regulated learning strategies,
considering them highly related to academic success (Table 1).
Table 1
Self-regulated learning strategies
Self-regulated learning strategies
1. Self-evaluation
Indicates student-initiated evaluations of the quality
or progress of their work.
2. Organizing and transforming
Indicates student-initiated use of instructional
materials to improve learning.
3. Goal-setting and planning
Indicates planning for sequencing, timing, and
completing activities related to goals set by the
4. Seeking information
Indicates student-initiated efforts to secure further
task information.
5. Keeping records
Indicates student-initiated efforts to record
6. Environmental structuring
Indicates student-initiated efforts to arrange the
physical setting to make learning easier.
7. Self-consequences
Indicates student arrangement or imagination of
rewards or punishment for success or failure.
8. Rehearsing and memorizing
Indicates student-initiated efforts to memorize the
9. Seeking assistance from teachers
Indicates student-initiated efforts to solicit help.
10. Seeking assistance from peers
11. Seeking assistance from experts
12. Reviewing notes
Indicates student-initiated efforts to reread notes,
tests, or textbooks.
13. Reviewing tests
14. Reviewing textbooks
Source. Adapted from Zimmerman and Pons (1986).
Previous research on the topic, such as that of Lima Filho et al. (2015), show that self-
evaluation, environmental structuring and seeking assistance are the most used self-regulation
strategies. In a study with DE students, Silva et al. (2017) observed the significant use of self-
regulated learning strategies, especially self-evaluation, environmental structuring, and
reviewing notes, tests, and textbooks. Aguiar and Silva (2017, p. 20), in turn, investigated the
use of self-regulation strategies by Accounting undergraduates enrolled in in-person and DE
classes, pointing out that DE students “tend to use more intensely goal-setting and planning
strategies, while in-person students prefer rehearsing and memorizing.”
Due to the limitations found in these studies, we chose to expand our research sample
to include other locations and universities in other contexts, as well as other variables that may
explain the use of self-regulation strategies (Aguiar & Silva, 2017; Santos Junior & Monteiro,
2020; Silva et al., 2016).
From this perspective, motivation, seen as the essence of the teaching-learning process
(Maehr & Meyer, 1997), emerges as a variable that implies the use of learning strategies,
referring to how much a student gets involved with some activity (Engelmann, 2010). Thus,
“motivation for learning and the ability to regulate are expected characteristics of a self-
regulating student so that they are able to self-monitor and self-manage their learning” (Jones
et al., 2010, as cited in Aguiar et al., 2014, p. 6). Teodorescu et al. (2022) expand on it, noting
that the social distancing imposed by the pandemic highlighted a major challengethe
students’ loss of motivation.
Another relevant point, especially during the ERE, which can impact the use of self-
regulated learning are the characteristics and conditions to which students are subjected (Silva
et al., 2020), since the students’ well-being and quality of life may be related to the teaching-
learning process (Cerchiari, 2004). A study conducted with university students from Ukraine
and Israel showed that concern for their family’s health status and difficulty with learning tasks
and online learning were the main difficulties faced during the pandemic (Schiff et al., 2021).
Quality of life, according to Tarbone et al. (2018, p. 206), is a broad and complex
concept that “interrelates the environment with physical, psychological aspects, level of
independence, social relations, and personal beliefs.” As such, low quality of life may be
associated with students losing motivation, performing activities simply to meet deadlines, or
even dropping out.
Methodological procedures
As a quantitative study, this research used statistical techniques to analyze the
correlations between the established variables (Raupp & Beuren, 2003; Richardson, 2012). As
an applied study, its interest lies in the use and practical consequences of knowledge (Gil,
2002). As a descriptive research, it seeks to describe “characteristics of a given population or
phenomenon or to establish relations between variables” (Gil, 2002, p. 44), since it analyzes
the perception of Accounting students regarding the use of self-regulated strategies, quality of
life and motivation, as well as the correlation between these factors.
Study sample consisted of Accounting students from two small private universities, in
the municipality of Maringá (PR), and two state public universities, located in Paranavaí (PR)
and Campo Mourão (PR). These universities have students who are enrolled in in-person
education and, at the time of data collectionbetween July and August 2020were
performing their activities in the ERE modality. Since the private and public universities had
about 80 and 620 students enrolled in the Accounting program, respectively, totaling a student
population of approximately 700 students, we calculated a sample of at least 183 students for
the sample to be significant, with sampling error of 5% and confidence level of 95%.
Data were collected by a closed-ended questionnaire with answers on an 11-point
interval scale (0 to 10). This type of question “facilitates participant interpretation since, in
general, people are familiar with this reference” (Santos Junior & Costa, 2014, p. 7). We
applied the questionnaire to Accounting undergraduates to identify their perceived level of
motivation to study during the ERE period. The questionnaire comprised 28 questions: 11 on
self-regulated learning, based on the studies by Zimmerman and Pons (1986) and Lima Filho
et al. (2015); eight on quality of life, based on the study by Tarbone et al. (2018); and nine on
sociodemographic characteristics. After elaboration, the questionnaire was either sent directly
to the students by email (one of the public universities) or forwarded by the course coordinator
(both private universities and one of the public universities) via the Google Forms platform.
We obtained a total of 217 valid answers. Importantly, prior to questionnaire application, we
conducted a pre-test with eight individuals (students and teachers in the field), to verify
adequacy and consistency.
Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlations using Excel and IBM-
SPSS software.
Analysis and discussion of results
Regarding gender, 59.4% of the undergraduates were women and 40.6% men. Age
ranged from 17 to 41 years old, and 54% were up to 27 years old.
As for professional occupation, 22.2% declared they were not currently working or
interning. Of the remaining 77.8% who work or do internships, 18% work up to 30 h/week,
48% up to 44 h/week, and the rest declared they work more than 44 h/week, are self-employed
and/or have their own business.
Regarding the devices used to follow remote education, 44% of the students use both
mobile phone and computer, 23% use only mobile phone and 32% only computer, and the
remaining participants use tablets. Importantly, some students reported using their work
computer, while others use only their cell phones because they don’t have a computer.
Educators use platforms such as Moodle and Google Classroom to upload
asynchronous activities and classes, using YouTube and/or Google Drive to make access links
to recorded video lessons available. Synchronous classes are held via platforms such as Zoom,
Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.
We note that both teachers and students are adapting to the virtual reality, trying to
optimize teaching and learning within their limitations. Moreover, motivation plays a key role
in this process. Figure 1 shows the students’ level of motivation to study during the ERE
imposed by the pandemic.
Figure 1
Level of motivation to study during remote learning
Note. 0 = unmotivated; 10 = very motivated.
Most respondents (68.2%) attributed a value of up to 5 to their level of motivation, with
a mean of 3.97. Such a result is worrisome since values well below the midpoint (5) point to
students who feel little motivated to complete activities and attend classes during this period.
This result corroborates study by Teodorescu et al. (2022), who investigated students at a
Romanian university, pointing out that half of the students could not stay motivated. Thus, one
can see that the loss of motivation is not restricted to the national context.
As discussed in the theoretical background, motivation may be associated with
students’ quality of life (Cerchiari, 2004; Tarbone et al., 2018). According to Figure 2, factors
with the lowest means are related to “satisfaction with ability to study” (4.5), “concentration
on activities to do” (4.9), and “satisfaction with sleep” (6.0). The latter and “ability to study”
corroborate a study by Tarbone et al. (2018).
Figure 2
Mean self-evaluation of students’ quality of life.
Note. 0 = unmotivated; 10 = very motivated.
Another interesting factor regarding quality of life is the frequency with which students
experience “negative feelings, such as: bad mood, despair, anxiety, and/or depression” (mean
of 6.8). About 63% of the respondents attributed a value between 7 and 10 to this aspect. Such
a finding is relevant and indicates that HEIs should provide pedagogical support not only to
fulfill the programmatic content of the disciplines, but also to monitor students’ psychological
issues. When analyzing these results on motivation and quality of life, one should also
remember that students had their routine affected as a whole (personal, professional, and
academic), and the overload of academic activitieswhich began to be developed in an
environment other than the classroomcan result in low concentration and make students feel
unable to meet academic demands, besides contributing to the emergence of negative feelings.
Given the new methodologies adopted during ERE, we should examine whether
students have also changed their way of studying. When asked if they changed their learning
strategies during ERL, 76% answered yes, 15% said they changed strategies for at least one
discipline, and only 8.8% did not change their way of studying.
We also sought to analyze whether students are adopting self-regulated learning
strategies. We subdivided these strategies into 11 questions (Figure 3), based on research by
Lima Filho et al. (2015), addressing the 14 self-regulated strategies proposed by Zimmerman
and Pons (1986) (Table 2).
Table 2
Statements on self-regulated learning strategies
Self-regulated learning strategies
1. After finishing an academic paper, I check my work
to make sure I did it right.
1. Self-evaluation
2. I make an outline before starting an activity.
2. Organizing and transforming
3. If I have an exam, I start studying as soon as possible
so I can pace myself on the day.
3. Goal-setting and planning
4. Before starting on a paper, I go the library and/or use
other means of research, whether physical or digital.
4. Seeking information
5. I take as many notes as possible on the contents
5. Keeping records
6. To better concentrate to my studies, I look for
suitable environments.
6. Environmental structuring
7a. If I do well on a test, I treat myself to a reward.
7b. If I fail a test, I give up something.
7. Self-consequences
8. I use strategies (memorizing points, formulas) to
improve my learning on subjects to be studied.
8. Rehearsing and memorizing
9. If I have problems with an assignment, I seek
external help (teacher, peers, others).
9. Seeking assistance from teachers
10. Seeking assistance from peers
11. Seeking assistance from experts
10. I evaluate my performance, note what I need to
improve, and try to overcome any difficulties detected.
12. Reviewing notes
13. Reviewing tests
14. Reviewing textbooks
Source: Adapted from Lima Filho et al. (2015).
Results show that “self-evaluation” (S1) was the most used strategy, followed by
“seeking external help” (S9/10/11) and “environmental structuring” (S6), corroborating the
study by Lima Filho et al. (2015). Moreover, “environmental structuring” has been widely used
by students, suggesting that most respondents have an adequate physical environment.
Figure 3
Self-regulated learning strategies used by students
Note: 0 = never; 10 = always. S = Strategy
In turn, self-consequences” (S7a/b), “goal-setting and planning” (S3), and “organizing
and transforming” (S2) were the least used strategies. Such result complements Aguiar and
Silva’s (2017) research, which found that DE students tend to use planning strategies with
greater intensity, while in-person students do not prepare in advance for tests/exams. In our
study with students in ERE, which resembles DE, these perspectives remained unchanged.
Overall, we note a still moderate use of self-regulated learning strategies, with students
attributing a, average adoption of 5.6. We found no significant differences between public and
private universities regarding the most used strategies and average use.
After the descriptive analysis of each study variable, we sought to analyze how they
were correlated. Due to the non-normal statistical distribution of the data, we performed
Spearman’s correlation (Table 3).
Table 3
Correlation between motivation and quality of life
Overall quality of life
Satisfaction with one’s health
Concentration on activities to do
Health of the physical environment where one lives
Enough money to meet one’s needs (in general)
Sleep satisfaction
Satisfaction with ability to study
Presence of negative feelings
Note: *Correlation is significant at level 0.05; **correlation is significant at level 0.01.
As can be observed, student motivation shows a statistically significant correlation with
all quality-of-life factors. In other words, the higher the quality of life, the more motivated the
student is to learn during the period, and the less negative feelings they experience.
But considering that only values equal or above 0.5 indicate a strong correlation
(Pereira, 2014), motivation is strongly and positively correlated with “ability to study” (by
79.5%), “concentration on activities to do” (74.2%), and “overall quality of life” (50.8%).
We also analyzed the correlation between motivation and use of self-regulated learning
strategies (Table 4).
Table 4
Correlação entre motivação e estratégias de aprendizagem autorregulada
Self-regulated learning strategies
E7a (positive)
E7b (negative)
Note: *Correlation is significant at level 0.05; **correlation is significant at level 0.01.
As can be observed, all correlations were statistically significant and positive. Although
most correlations were low, we found a strong correlation between motivation and self-
regulated learning strategies S3 (Goal-setting and planning, 51.5%) and S12/13/14 (Reviewing
notes; Reviewing tests; Reviewing textbooks, 49.1%). This finding concurs with the study by
Perassinoto et al. (2013), who argued that motivation can contribute to the adoption of learning
Finally, we analyzed the correlation between use of self-regulated learning strategies
and quality-of-life factors (Table 5).
Table 5
Correlação estratégias de aprendizagem autorregulada e qualidade de vida
Overall quality of life
No sig.
Satisfaction with
one’s health
No sig.
No sig.
Concentration on
activities to do
Health of the physical
environment where
one lives
No sig.
Enough money to
meet one’s needs (in
No sig.
No sig.
Sleep satisfaction
No sig.
No sig.
Satisfaction with
ability to study
No sig.
No sig.
No sig.
No sig.
No sig.
No sig.
No sig.
No sig.
Note: *Correlation is significant at level 0.05; **correlation is significant at level 0.01.
Quality of life factors such as “Concentration on activities to do” and “Satisfaction with
ability to study” are significantly correlated with all self-regulated learning strategies.
“Satisfaction with ability to studyand strategies S3 (goal-setting and planning) and
S12/13/14 (reviewing notes; reviewing tests; reviewing textbooks) were strongly correlated.
Thus, the more students feel satisfied and able to study, the more they evaluate the activities
done to optimize their performance and plan their studies. In other words, they feel more
empowered, learn more by reviewing the material and stop studying “at the last minute.”
Conversely, “self-consequences” (S7a/b) showed a low degree of correlation (and even
significance) with every quality-of-life factor. All other self-regulated learning strategies
presented some significant correlations, weakly or moderately, with quality of life.
According to these results, student’s quality of life can affect the use of self-regulated
strategies, given their degree of correlation. Thus, teaching and learning processes must
consider the physical environment available to students (to study and concentrate), and their
mental and physiological aspects, as Cerchiari (2004) and Santos Junior and Monteiro (2020)
point out.
Final considerations
During the remote education period imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, educational
institutions, which operated in-person and unexpectedly had to adapt to a virtual reality, faced
a number of challenges. In this educational context, the need for student-initiated self-regulated
learning becomes more evident. Moreover, students’ motivation and quality of life interfere
with effective learning.
Given the above, this study sought to analyze how the use of self-regulated learning
strategies, the level of motivation in learning and quality of life correlated during the pandemic.
By applying questionnaires to accounting undergraduates, we observed that students are feeling
unmotivated and presenting relatively high levels of negative feelings (such as bad mood,
anxiety and/or depression), which is worrisome because besides interfering in the students’
learning process, they can cause academic dropout and damage to their mental health.
Regarding self-regulated learning strategies, we noted that students generally use them
moderately, with “self-evaluation” (S1) and seeking external help (S9/10/11) and “self-
consequences” (S7a/b) and “goal-setting and planning” (S3) being the most and least used,
respectively. This last strategy is considered important, especially in a period such as the
pandemic, which requires better organization since classes and asynchronous activities demand
a higher level of discipline on the part of students to be performed within the established
As for the statistical correlations, we found that student motivation is strongly correlated
with the following self-regulated learning strategies: “goal-setting and planning” (S3) (51.5%)
and “reviewing notes; reviewing tests; reviewing textbooks(S12/13/14) (49.1%). In other
words, the higher the motivation, the more students tend to adopt such strategies.
In conclusion, the study variables are linked to each other, given that motivation is
strongly correlated with quality-of-life factors related to “ability” and “concentrationto study,
which, in turn, were the items most strongly correlated with the self-regulated learning
strategies, except for the S7a/b strategy (“self-consequence”). Self-regulated learning,
motivation, and quality of life are therefore correlated with each other, forming a cycle in which
the higher quality of life, the more motivated the student is and the more self-regulated learning
strategies they useand vice versa.
Our results also point to the need for teachers to apply methodologies that motivate
students to learn, in order to inhibit negative factors such as anxiety and bad mood. Anxiety,
for example, can worsen due to the overload of academic activities made available in virtual
environments, which can make students feel unable to solve what has been proposed. Educators
should therefore be cautious when proposing some types of classes and activities, since the
different physical and mental states of each student, as discussed, imply in effective learning
processes or not.
Finally, further discussions on Accounting Education are needed to optimize
educational processes in the pandemic and post-pandemic period, since the knowledge
obtained during tertiary education reflects on the student as a professional. Given the limited
number of students surveyed, future research should expand the study sample to investigate
whether the factors presented in other regions and universities differ. Another recommendation
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motivation, as suggested by Teodorescu et al. (2022).
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